Golden dart frog

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4 years ago

The golden dart frog is considered the most poisonous animal on Earth. It is a unique species that measures about 5 centimeters and has enough venom to kill ten adult men. The Emberá Indians of Colombia used this powerful poison for centuries to smear the tips of the darts they shot with their blowguns, hence the name of this species.

This brightly colored amphibian is one of the largest of more than 100 species of poison dart frogs: the average length is two and a half centimeters. They live in a small area of ​​the rain forest on the Pacific coast of Colombia. Although it is an abundant species, the destruction of the rain forest has made it part of the international lists of threatened species.

Its color, which varies between yellow, orange and pale green, depending on the species, is deliberately eye-catching to protect itself from potential predators, a tactic called aposematic coloration. Poisonous Golden Dart Frogs eat flies, crickets, ants, termites, and beetles.

Scientists are unsure of the origin of the toxicity of these frogs, although it is possible that they acquire it through the poison of the plants that carry their prey. Golden dart frogs that are bred in captivity and isolated from insects in their natural habitat never develop the poison.

Medical research has tried to find medicinal uses for the poison dart frog. They have already managed to develop a synthetic version of one of its components that can be a powerful pain reliever

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4 years ago


Very nice post which is giving me a lot ! :) Waiting for more articules from you ! Like and subscribe ! :D Thank You!!!!!

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4 years ago

This frog, was it not same frog in dora and the lost city of gold.. It's lovely tho but should be avoided lol

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4 years ago

Golden dart frog is beautiful but dangerous. As small as it is, it can kill ten adult men within few minutes with its poison. Wonderful!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

wow!! it is a beutiful species..but it also may kill a man with its poison

$ 0.00
4 years ago

It's so cute yet so deadly. But what contains the poison? Is it their blood? Their skin? Or maybe their saliva? 🤔

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4 years ago