Benefits of eating ice cream

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4 years ago

Eating ice cream can provide calcium, vitamins and release hormones that make you feel happy.

Ice Cream is a frozen food that is usually made from dairy products such as milk or cream, often in combination with fruit or other ingredients and flavors.

It is generally sweetened with sugar, flavorings, sweeteners or honey. Typically other ingredients are added such as egg yolks, nuts, fruits, chocolate, cookies, nuts, yogurt and substances that stabilized it.


  • Ice creams have the capacity to refresh and hydrate us during the months of suffocating heat. Popsicles, sorbets and slushies contain a large amount of water (between 85 and 90 percent of their composition) making them a simple and rich way for dehydration risk groups, such as children and the elderly, are covered to avoid health problems.

  • More and more establishments offer ice cream enriched with fruit (in some cases, up to 50% of its content is fruit) with the aim of increasing its nutritional properties.

  • In addition to sugars, minerals and vitamins, they also provide our body with a good dose of proteins of high biological value.

  • Milk-based ice creams become a fun alternative for all those who do not consume the minimum recommended amounts of calcium. Children, adolescents and pregnant women, breastfeeding, or after menopause, are the ones who need to consume greater amounts of this mineral.

  • Ice cream can be taken at any stage of the year, it is not true that if it is taken in winter there is a greater risk of catching a constipation, quite the contrary. If you start to notice discomfort in the throat, when swallowing for example, take a little ice cream, it will reduce the inflammation produced by the irritation of the cough and it helps to heal the possible wounds. It is also common for doctors to recommend ice cream when suffering from angina, as it seems to be beneficial.

  • They make us happier and reduce our level of stress, both physical (pain) and emotional (anxiety), since some of its components, such as chocolate, casein, or sugars, stimulate the production of the so-called pleasure hormones or endorphins .

  • Finally, it is a good way to socialize with others, we hardly ever eat ice cream alone, so we usually associate having it as a fun and shared experience with others. Who does not remember the ice creams in the park during our childhood?

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4 years ago


I love this write up.. it's very helpful, cause I love ice creams,but some ice creams are not to be taken always

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow! It is very helpful to people to know this... Waiting for your new unique post

$ 0.00
4 years ago

These benefits are awesome. Provided that you always speculate the ingredients in ice cream. Some ice creams are much healthier than other ice creams.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wonderful information dear. I always saw ice cream as something that doesn't have nutrients but now i know the much benefits. Good work

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wonderful information dear. I always saw ice cream as something that doesn't have nutrients but now i know the much benefits. Good work

$ 0.00
4 years ago