Benefits of consuming gelatin regularly

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4 years ago

Gelatin is a food that never seems to go out of style. Mainly viewed as a dessert, it is an unsuspected source of various health benefits.

Regular consumption of gelatin can help to have better digestion, take care of the skin and bone health, among other benefits.

According to health experts, the benefits of gelatine are due to the fact that its main content is gelatin, a substance that provides collagen that is extracted from the skin of certain animals.

Collagen is a protein capable of providing complementary nutrients for the skin, nails, hair, bones and cartilage, helping them to be healthier.

Among the main health benefits of consuming gelatin frequently are:


Thanks to its fiber and protein content, gelatin helps you feel full, thus eliminating cravings for some sweet foods, thus avoiding eating what your body does not need. In addition, this food increases the production of growth hormone and stimulates your metabolism through nutrients and amino acids.


In addition to the protein that gelatine contains, it also provides selenium, phosphorus and copper, which helps your bones stay strong and increase the bone mineral density of your body, thus ensuring that osteoporosis stays away for a long time. .

If we add the power of amino acids to this, you will reduce the inflammation that affects your joints, it will also help you with the development of cartilage, which makes your joints and bones strengthen.


As is well known, protein is a fundamental part of wounds or injuries, which is why it is highly recommended to eat protein after exercising, so that muscle damage is repaired. But, in this case, the gelatin proteins help with the healing of external wounds, such as those from a cut.

On the other hand, we also have glycine, an amino acid that is closely linked to the reduction of inflammation, which results in that, when we eat gelatin, we receive a good dose of protein and glycine that help regenerate new skin and speed up the healing process.


Have you noticed that lately you can't sleep well? What you need is to eat gelatin, since glycine stimulates certain neurotransmitters and enzymes that increase the quality and duration of sleep, therefore you will have better sleep cycles. Sleeping helps us regain energy, so if you don't have a good rest your performance will drop.

Try eating a little gelatin a couple of hours before going to sleep and you will see how you will have a deeper sleep and you will wake up much more rested and full of energy.


Surely you have read that keratin is the one that helps us to have healthier hair, skin and nails, but there are times that it suffers some wear and tear, so there is no other option than to acquire it in other ways and what better way to do it than through jelly. Forget about spending a lot of money on those products that claim to contain high levels of keratin and better turn it into something delicious and cheap eating gelatin.


Several of the allergies that exist are due to the fact that you have a leaky intestine that is unable to process certain substances, so if you want to alleviate these discomforts, you should eat gelatin, since it will cure certain problems caused by these discomforts. It is advisable to occasionally eat a good amount of gelatin and stay alert to what foods are harmful to you.


In case you do not know, after 25 years your body decreases collagen production naturally, so from this moment it becomes important to obtain it by other means and what better than through gelatin. This food is dry collagen and by consuming this element we obtain elasticity and tension between the dermal cells, so if you increase the amount of this substance you can keep your skin firm and looking younger.

Obviously this does not indicate that wrinkles or signs of age will never appear, but it will be later.


Eating gelatin regularly will help reduce constipation problems and the inability to properly absorb nutrients, it also stimulates digestive juices and increases peristaltic movement in the intestinal muscles. This is because this food has the peculiarity of naturally joining water, so your body assimilates the fiber it contains more easily, what good benefits of eating gelatin do we get, don't you think?


Proline is associated with improving the immune system of many species of animals and humans, and this amino acid is found in gelatin, which means that if you consume it, you will improve your ability to fight infections and diseases.

The magnificent thing about gelatin is that it has no contradiction, on the contrary, what it contributes will always be good for health, as everything, if consumed in excess it could cause bloating and stomach pain, but it is very rare that this it happens, so you will have no problem including it in your daily diet.

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4 years ago


Thank you for discussing the benefits of gelatin as a food needed by the body to stay healthy at all times.

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4 years ago

On the contrary, thanks to you for taking the trouble and time to have passed and read my post.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This is long and very nice article regarsing gelatin. Its such a headup to all the people out here about gelatin thakns

$ 0.00
4 years ago

More than a warning, it is a call to know the benefits of gelatin, which has practically no counter indications, but your visit to the stand is appreciated.

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4 years ago

Thanks for sharing this article...very useful and informative article

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4 years ago