Arepas and different fillings

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4 years ago

The arepa is the food that most characterizes the Venezuelan people. This is due to its flexibility, since you can consume it as breakfast or dinner regardless of the time of year in which you are.

It is a cooked or fried dough based on corn flour, which you can accompany with whatever you want, since its style of preparation allows any type of filling.

Ingredients for the arepas

2 cups of precooked cornmeal

4 cups warm water

a pinch of salt

1 tablespoon of oil

Preparation for the arepas:

Spread the oil in a large skillet and put it in the kitchen over medium high heat.

Place the water and a pinch of salt in a bowl; Gradually add flour and stir with a spoon. Wait about three minutes until the dough takes a little consistency. Then knead it vigorously until it does not stick to the edges of the container. There should be no lump.

Form spheres the size of an orange and then crush them with the palms of your hands until you get circular arepas about ten centimeters in diameter.

Put them in the pan and cook with a lid for about 5 minutes; Uncover and back to the arepas. If you want the very crispy arepas you can put them in the oven for about 10 minutes over medium heat 180 ° C. The arepas will bulge slightly and if you tap them gently they will make a hollow sound.

If you don't know the terms used, ordering an arepa can be difficult, and even more so when you're hungry. Here are some different ways to name them in a very Venezuelan language, such as when ordering a coffee. There are very simple fillings, such as cheese, ham, chicken, but there are other more elaborate ones in which each combination of filling has a distinctive and characteristic name.

The widow:

It is the typical arepa alone, without any type of filling. It is usually a companion at meals.

The Queen Pepeada:

It is one of the most famous. Her name is in honor of the Miss Venezuelan world Susana Duim. Its filling is chicken or shredded chicken, with mayonnaise and avocado, all mixed.

The Sifrina:

It is the Queen Pepiada with grated yellow cheese.

The Pelúa:

It looks like a person's hair, and that's where its name comes from. This stuffed meat filling, seasoned with tomato and condiments, plus grated yellow cheese, is one of the favorites.

The Catira:

She is La Pelúa's younger sister, but a little lighter. A filling of stewed and frosted chicken accompanied with yellow cheese, resembles a blonde woman for her yellow hair.

With Parakeet:

Fill with a scramble of eggs with onion, tomato and salt. One of the most typical of all. A complete breakfast.

The Rumbera:

Its name comes from the habit of going to a arepera in the early morning after a rumba (party), with the intention of eating something nutritious and hearty. Others say that its name originates from the fact that after the December festivities, where the leg is usually prepared, the leftovers are used and used for this filling. These are pieces of baked pork (pork) with grated yellow cheese.


Our typical dish in an arepa. Colorful and nutritious combination for those who like to eat in quantity. It consists of slices, beans and shredded meat.

These are just some of the fillings that can be obtained in Venezuelan arepas, very varied and for all tastes.

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4 years ago


Arepa okay? It is very Nice to indrouce with Venezuelan food. It is a good way to introducing your country's food habit.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I will try this out..this looks so healthy..keep posting more in future

$ 0.00
4 years ago

So many types of arepa...... I must say Venezuelan people has good taste of food.... I am in love with pavilion apera though i never taste it.. Just saw the picture

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4 years ago