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3 years ago

1 month to go, and I'll be celebrating my 1st year working as a Tech Advocate. As what I previously mentioned, I currently work as a Technical Support Representative for one of the most popular productivity tools in the market today - of which I'm not allowed to tell you which company & brand I'm working for. Only, if I got out and share it with you.

I got out, for once, because of the toxicity around me (even for my boss). For 3 years I am grateful that I worked with different types of people in a diverse environment. It was a roller coaster experience. You work hard, get recognized, rewarded with your efforts, and when the rest day comes, you go out with your colleagues, eat, drink, go out on a trip in the province, then it all goes back to reality. Great benefits, good money, but it is given there are still people who'll try to knock you down. This is how we roll in the BPO Industry.

How I got into this Industry?

Graduated 6 years ago with a bachelor's degree of Information Technology, and finished my On-The-Job training weeks later at a government office in Makati City. I was ready to take on the world, but what they're looking for has experience in the field rather than a fresh graduate. For 6 months of 2014, I visited every office, every company that suits all that I learned from College. This is how the employment system works in the Philippines (I don't know if this exists on your country, but you can post it on the comments section, let's talk about it.)

After years of getting your diploma, your records then all of a sudden, you get rejected, everytime, but I didn't give up. So I decided to apply for a BPO company named ePerformax. After few assessments, I was hired, but before I become an employee I need to be trained first. From January 2015 to June 2015, I started my training then the following month I became a full time employee.

I previously worked for eBay as part of the Escalations & Appeals Team. The nature of my work back then - It was a non-voice account, meaning I don't interact with our customers through the phone, so I read their messages through email. With their messages this is where I step in and investigate cases for items that haven't received, even items that doesn't match from the seller's description. That's up to my decision of who wins the case, then the losing party will file an appeal with their supporting documentation.

For 3 years, I treated my company as my second home, as part of my family. Aside of being an agent, I became a Subject Matter Expert, got recognized as a top teammate, and this is where I met my 2nd girlfriend. Until, I decided to throw the towel of March 2019 since the environment around me got changed, and I do miss the camaraderie around me and be energized before the shift starts.

Final Thoughts?

It is up to my decision if I would like to stay here just like from my previous company. Only time would tell if I would call it quits, and surrender my badge for good. My life doesn't end here, there would be new opportunities to come with endless possibilities.

If you're working in the same industry as me. Post it on the comments down below!

$ 0.09
$ 0.09 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for rapsantos
3 years ago


thanks for sharing your story! my suggestion would be for you to share a little bit less information. the photo of your work ID is probably something not needed.

There are dishonest individuals who could use the information you provided to do bad things. just a suggestion.

your story is nice to hear, and it's good to see that you have worked hard to get to your current place in life. upvoted!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for the tip! About my work ID? I'm no longer affiliated and no longer have any connections with them after I left.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I guess that sounds OK, but if it were me, I would err on the side of caution. better to be safe than sorry.

$ 0.00
3 years ago