Frustrated Cop files "Not Guilty", Now Dismissed in service

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3 years ago

Sr. MSgt. Jonel Nuezca, the main suspect when he tried to arrest Frank Gregorio because of the noise-distraction of using a Boga, which resulted in his frustration of firing his pistol in point-blank range to Sonya & Frank Gregorio. Last Thursday, he files a not guilty plea during his pre-arraignment & pre-trial, but the video shows as a piece of strong evidence showing Nuezca killed both unarmed civilians.

Effective today, recommended by the PNP Internal Affairs Service Chief Alfegar Triambulo, and announced by PNP Chief Debold Sinas during a briefing session with our local media, Nuezca is now dismissed from service with the police force because of his history of previous administrative cases, and currently facing two counts of murder filed by prosecutors in the province of Tarlac. The next hearing will be scheduled on the 4th of February.


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3 years ago
