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3 years ago

I've been using this website for a week now, and it really proves that this is a legitimate site. I earned my first few points converted to BCH, transferred it to my crypto wallet, also gained a few subscribers, read a few articles, posted my own articles.

So far, I'm enjoying it. I'm doing this as my side hustle before my shift starts. But, before I even got here when the lockdown started 6 months ago - for 2 weeks I did self-quarantine and started to work on site. Until now, I'm currently working here at the MOA Complex, Pasay City.

Throughout ECQ / MECQ, what I usually do after my shift? Eat, Sleep, Work, Repeat (that's for the weekdays). When the weekend strikes, I play video games, watch movies, TV series, documentaries, also went outside and took photos on some of the busiest parts of the city.

Part 1: https://read.cash/@rapsantos/my-quarantine-life-ecq-mecq-d064f8ba

Part 2: https://read.cash/@rapsantos/my-quarantine-life-gcq-5623829f

Until I realized, I need to do something before my shift starts. I learned to code again, and read a novel by Tom Clancy.

Rainbow Six by Tom Clancy (which is also related to the pandemic we face today)

When the lockdown shifted to GCQ, that was the time I went out again, purchased a new phone which I currently use right now. Then my cycle would repeat again.

Nokia 3.2 with YooBao Bluetooth Speaker, Power Bank 2400mAh & Cable Velcro

Right now, I'm overwhelmed with my salary every payout since the company I currently work with is very new. That's the time I decided to open a new bank account, at the same time opened an investment account so I can save my money thru GCash (for Emergencies & Savings) and started to look for a side hustle.

I recently registered at QA-World, but haven't started yet because my laptop is not allowed to use around the premises even if I have my personal pass with me. It really pissed me off, so I looked for other alternatives. Registered to Appen, but haven't started yet. Searched for money making apps, but it wasted my time after installing & using those apps. Until, one moment I stumbled at cryptocurrency. I even researched for it so I can have a better understanding how it works.

How I even got here at read.cash? I read an article by Shiela of pinayteenvestor.com (https://pinayteenvestor.com/best-free-blogging-platforms-to-earn-cryptocurrency/) . Tried to register at Steemit & Hive.blog, but it didn't work. I was hesitant at first, but I took the risk. Registration process is simple, and remember to save a note of your credentials. Then my side hustling begins now. With my first article it gained 13 likes, 9 views, gained a few points then the rest? After writing articles and logging in today, one of my articles got an upvote.

This is for my review of the movie titled ULTRAS (https://read.cash/@rapsantos/movie-review-ultras-fc6a5fe1) from Netflix. Somehow, it motivated me to do more. To publish my own articles, and help each other out.

Final Thoughts?

I'll continue using this platform, earn more, and help out other writers. I'd like to say for the developers and to the community, thank you for the opportunity using this platform so I can share everything from my interests, and what is currently happening out there during these hard times.

Do you have a story to share how you got here at read.cash? Post it on the comments down below and let's talk about it.

$ 0.00
Avatar for rapsantos
3 years ago



$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah you are right im here from 3 weeks

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You're way ahead than me 😁🤙👍

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Just try hader, hard work bring more fruit. have like your page now and subscribe just do the same, you we make money.

$ 0.00
3 years ago


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3 years ago

Thank you for subscribing! Get notified on my latest articles.😁🤙👍 Stay safe & stay healthy

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3 years ago