Life, according to my mother

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4 years ago

A few days ago I invited my mother to write something and post it here on Read.Cash. She has always been a little shy, or a little daring, despite this, she agreed to write something. I am happy about that, because although the relationship with my mother is excellent, it is always good to make her better.

My mother is the most sacred and important thing I have in my life. I would give everything for her. Even all my work and effort is for her, if I have to leave the country to give her a better life, I will. She took care of me all this time and now I must repay him as a good man.

Her name is Mary Sanchez, she is 63 years old and she is a very gentle and calm woman. He does not like problems and is very spiritual and practices meditation. She has a Christian social formation but over time she has taken a current that says that God is ourselves and that we are one with her and therefore with the universe. She has instilled in me a great love for life, nature and neighbor. She is a greater reason to get ahead with my projects. Here I present them to you and leave a writing that you have made for all of us about life...

Life, according to my mother.

Life, the word is so short but the immense meaning or what this word contains, begins from the conception of a seed, or in the case of humans, the seed is sown between two beings of opposite sexes through an act of love; animals too, but through the instinctive act of sex. In plants, the seed is sown directly into the ground and flourishes over time. Whatever the way of life, during the conception, whether of the human or animal fetus, that of plants, there life is generated in the formation of each one of them. Since cellular and molecular life is also generated inside them, shaping the morphological aspect of each one. Coming to form a complete living being and thus add one more in the species that corresponds to it. Each one will have its evolution according to the environment that each species develops. Then, another phase follows which is the interaction with the environment according to its species and its growth. In the case of humans, at birth we have the life of a baby, then at the age of one, we evolve into the life of a child, an adult, and finally an Elder. As these stages pass, a large number of experiences occur that give you reason to have a good or bad life. Everything will depend on the environment in which he lives: if he had good, loving parents, concerned about his future, full of virtues, good behavior, who taught him values ​​that would raise his self-esteem; This would assure him a harmonious "life" full of love and triumphs, of course, this does not escape that he passes in each of these stages all kinds of positive and negative experiences, the first ones will give him joy, happiness and well-being; And the second sadnesses, mistakes, but this at the same time will give you a lot of strength to keep going.

That is why I think that the word life is too short for the immense that it implies, I do a mental exercise: I stand on the moon, looking towards the earth, I see a single planet and I am aware of everything that has had to happen so that our planet exists, I am aware that this huge ball of rocky mass and water has been formed at first by ultra-tiny beings and after that, they have formed all other living beings in a kind of consensual luck of the universe. It is wonderful, it is amazing, and thinking about that vastness makes you appreciate and be grateful for every moment you breathe.

I hope you liked it, do not hesitate to leave a comment!

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4 years ago


Mother is a unique word to all of us. This word cannot be compared with any other word. Every mother is a sweet pitcher for her child. If we want to write a story about mother, then the story never runsout. I just saying that without mother we cannot think about us😍😍😍😍

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Totally agree with you. Nothing at all can be compared to a mother and the capacity of love they have to give. They are synonymous with total delivery without expecting anything in return. So it deserves everything!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

That is deep. My imagination is good but not as far as I can stand on the moon see the smallest molecule there is in the world. I am thinking that the person who wrote this is a very caring person and have hurt herself a lot more while protecting others.

Life is indeed a short word and so it is with life itself. Nobody knows when one life will end. We could be chatting with a person today and the next day, he or we could be gone. This happens a lot in my area of work. The chat is good and sometimes I will be able to learn things and knowledge or listen to their experiences that I believe, someday, it will do me good.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

That was written by my mother. She is a wonderful being and full of virtues. It is my consolation in the most difficult moments and my reason to continue fighting for life ...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I hope someday I can be a mother that my child would be proud of too.

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4 years ago