Help me bake future

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4 years ago

My name is Ramón Oropeza, I am from Venezuela and I am a chef. I love to make bread and now I dedicate myself to the bakery. I try to learn about this trade every day. And I practice bakery techniques with the tools I have available.

Rollos de pan de jamón para la cena de fin de año en mi último trabajo.

I am a dreamer, they also know me for being altruistic. I like to help people without looking for more reward than being useful. My Faith in God grows as my difficulties increase, well, I know that he is never to fail me.

My living conditions are not ideal, I really have so many economic problems that lead to poor diet and poverty. But, God is with me and nothing will be missing. Amen. That is why I use the resources that I can take advantage of in the Venezuelan economy such as practically free services (but of poor quality) such as the internet. I spent a week without the service, well, this one fell off.

Kneading from my house

I am starting a small bakery from my house, and despite many obstacles I have managed to get here. I am trying to collect $ 3,000 to boost this business. I do not want to live in poverty. I do not deserve it. To look for a job in a kitchen or a bakery is to be condemned to misery here in Venezuela. Nor can I leave the country, well, my mother needs me and I don't have a passport either and the process to acquire it is long and expensive. In a future dream of being able to help Venezuelan children and their families by bringing to the schools a nutritious bread to complement their diet, since in Venezuela child malnutrition grows every day and with it the school dropout.

But how can you help more people being in the same or worse situation than them? I know I will make it, I know it will be soon. Unfortunately, I have fallen into strong depressions and anxieties because of the difficult economic situation I am going through. I have left them. You will witness my triumphs and you will be triumphant with me. Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology are and will be part of everything and Venezuela will also be part of this.

Venezuelan short fermentation baguette "Canilla".

If you can collaborate with me in some way I will be very grateful. You can offer me a job in which I can help you and you pay me. You can donate to me in cryptocurrency you want. You can give me some word of encouragement and suggest some idea to get extra money. I will always be very grateful.

I don't want to complain about the problems, I want to end them. If you are in a situation like mine I encourage you, we will leave this and better times will come. It is part of life to go through such situations. Do not faint. Always seek to be the best version of you. Recover and work every day to be a better person in all aspects: professional, family and social. Life is a trip, Enjoy it!

Braided sweet rolls (my neighbors' favorites)

$ 0.16
$ 0.11 from @Telesfor
$ 0.05 from @unitedstatian
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Avatar for ramonoropeza
4 years ago


I am inspired by your story and will continue reading Ramon!

$ 0.00
11 months ago

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$ 0.00
4 years ago