Fundme.Cash: fundraising for everyone with Bitcoin Cash.

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Avatar for ramonoropeza
3 years ago

A few days ago I officially published a fundraising campaign on the Fundme.Cash website. For those who have not followed me, I am a baker and I am looking to raise funds to get ahead together with my family through a small bakery from my home. The details of the campaign are here.

Fundme.Cash is in its beta version. It is a simple website, easy to use by any user and without restrictions of any kind. This is due to the advantage of using Bitcoin Cash to raise funds, there is no FIAT money involved, only Bitcoin Cash and you can do it from anywhere in the world you just need an internet connection. It also has no identity or identity verification restrictions, absolutely everything is based on the trust that donors or investors have in the creator of the campaign. An immediate consequence of these characteristics is the possible creation of spam or misplaced campaigns. For this, the administrators of Fundme.Cash reserve the right to suspend the campaign for their consideration. However, his motto is that anyone can create and drive their campaign on the web.

FAQ 4: "Anybody in any location. We don’t place restrictions on who can use our platform. This is the benefit of using BCH."

Another significant feature is custody over the funds, the funds are delivered (or released) once the campaign has ended. Anyone can contribute to the campaign either by registering on Fundme.Cash or anonymously. Fundme.Cash charges 5% on the funds raised.

Fundme.Cash versus other platforms.

Fundme.Cash has several advantages for campaign builders compared to other traditional platforms (Kickstarter, Indiegogo or GoFundme). The main reason is the use of Bitcoin Cash to avoid the use of credit cards and what avoids country restrictions (as is the case with the mentioned platforms). This makes anyone who owns the internet and a Bitcoin Cash wallet able to access financing or donations. So it is an inclusive system for people who do not have access to the traditional financial system and for those who do not have bank accounts in dollars and are outside the countries on the allowed list in traditional fundraising platforms.

Fundme.Cash vs. FlipStarter.

Fundme.Cash does not intend to compete with FlipStarter, it even recommends it in its FAQ’s to people who disagree with the custody of donations. In my case, I used Fundme.Cash because FlipStarter in its "Easy" section asked me for an account in DigitalOcean to start the campaign, and this in turn, asked for a credit card or a paypal account. Which I don't have access to either, so I'm excluded. Therefore, he chose Fundme.Cash.

My user experience has been good overall. Both the configuration of the profile and the elaboration of the campaign are very intuitive and basic. Although it shows that it is in a beta phase, well, I could only upload two photos and it also has limits for the text and does not have a text editor. However, Artur's technical support on the campaign's telegram channel has been good to resolve any questions. So I have been able to publish my campaign without major setbacks.

Behind Fundme.Cash is @Keith_Patrick and Artur (you can find him on the Fundme.Cash telegram channel).

Finally, I want to personally ask you to support me in achieving this goal, which is only the beginning of the restoration of my life and that of my family after seeing it finished due to the serious economic, political and social crisis that Venezuelans are experiencing. I am not looking for compassion I want solidarity. Solidarity for a human being who seeks to get ahead under his own hands and sweat of work. I will be grateful for any financial support or words of encouragement that are very important to the spirit. I say goodbye, always grateful to God and all those who support me.

Articles related to the campaign:

Help me get my family ahead (fundraising to start my little bakery).

You can help me create my little bakery with BCH through Fundme.Cash

About me:

History of an entrepreneur in Venezuela.

My name is Ramón Oropeza. Venezuelan. Identity Card: 25,546,413.

You can contact me directly through:

Telegram: MonoRevolution

Twitter: @Monorevolution

Instagram: Ramonoropeza_

$ 3.00
$ 1.00 from @tula_s
$ 1.00 from @Keith_Patrick
$ 0.90 from @TheRandomRewarder
+ 1
Sponsors of ramonoropeza
Avatar for ramonoropeza
3 years ago
