Episode of a life in Venezuela 2019.

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4 years ago

I wrote these words in the year 2019, despite everything, it was a year in which I learned many new things. I leave them here as a testimony of life.

Life in Venezuela is contradictory. It is an unpredictable, uncontrolled and not at all routine life. This has its positive and negative side. Positive because you do not get bored, there is always something new that the social and economic crisis provokes, normally they are situations that you have to overcome. As if it were a videogame where every day has a different difficulty. Negative because you must be very strong emotionally to not get depressed, not let yourself be carried away by those intense situations to which you were not used. We are forced to be very emotionally intelligent.

Personally, my life is really complicated. I work for more than 15 hours a day. 6 days a week. I only have a free day on Sundays. I am 25 years old, I am a young man who has stopped living many things of his "age" to work and bring some food to his house. There are few occasions in which I can recreate with my friends. I do not even think about a girlfriend, I do not have time to dedicate it. Even though I have two jobs I only earn $ 40 per month. That only reaches to eat with a little decency and dignity. But for nothing else: zero clothes, zero walks, nothing more.

Working 24/7

My friends have been kind enough to leave an outdoor walk for Sunday so I can attend. That day everyone should bring their lunch. I took white pasta with grated cheese. It's all I could carry (And water). I had a lot of fun and helped me get out of my harsh daily reality. We obtained unparalleled views of our city. And at the end we bathed in the pool that has one of my bosses on the outskirts of the city (which we walked).

Sequence of the walk.

The Landscape.

Whenever I go to an event with my friends I think about what life was like before, things that used to be normal, routine, nothing out of the ordinary. Now they are a complete luxury: going to a pool, going to the movies, dining out, buying a sweet, having a beer. Very few can afford this now. And that is emotionally strong. I really think sometimes that this is a nightmare and I just want to wake up.

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4 years ago


Sooner or later Venezuela is going to get ahead, I admire you since you can help your family, all in good time, have faith, only God does the possible things, you are going to go far.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Keep your head high. You are stronger than you think. Whatever circumstances bring.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Ramon.... Your article is proving that you are Working sooo hard and you have talent in cooking too... Don’t lose hope.. A good life will come because you deserve it

$ 0.00
4 years ago

May creator accept all your efforts and grant you a easy and happy life..you are doing great

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hi Ramon, another great article -- I really like how you are giving a first-person point of view of life in a nation that so many people misunderstand. I apologize I have not replied to your email yet -- I had a 92-year-old family member with suspected Covid-19 and confirmed pneumonia. Exposure mean self-quarantine, so I had to adjust many things really quick.

However, with every article that I read from you, I become more and more convinced of your drive for success, which is essential for actual success to occur. Look out for an email from me within the next day or two.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Greetings Paul, it is unfortunate that you had to go through that situation with your family member. I hope this all good, and that all this ends soon. Thanks for your support, I hope your email!

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4 years ago