My Verse of the Day – September 16, 2022

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Avatar for rafaelken1989
1 year ago
Topics: Daily, Devotional, LORD, Almighty, God, ...

The LORD is my banner! The source of my strength!

My everyday God-inspired words to enlighten our spirits! We cannot live on bread alone, we need His words to feed our spirits too!

Luke 3:23 New International Version (NIV)


Now Jesus himself was about thirty years old when he began his ministry. He was the son, so it was thought, of Joseph, the son of Heli,

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While I worship the LORD this morning, the Holy Spirit took over me and gave me a vision about the time the LORD Jesus in in His dying moments, saying ‘It is done’, then the veil at the temple was torn apart.

He started His ministry during His prime years at the age of 30.

He is the God incarnate possessing the highest physical and spiritual standards.

He lived the perfect life. Spotless and blameless like the perfect lamb for sin offering and He offered Himself as the ultimate sacrifice for the humanity be reconciled with God the Father.

He is the only way!

Listen from Michael W Smith:

Above All

Have a blessed Friday!

May the LORD Almighty God bless you more in Jesus name!

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Avatar for rafaelken1989
1 year ago
Topics: Daily, Devotional, LORD, Almighty, God, ...


Amen 🙏. Nothing can be compared to a good fellowship with the Father.

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1 year ago

Amen! All glory to the LORD!

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1 year ago