Reapers Contest - Clementine's Nightmare Giveaway

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2 years ago

Back in January I launched the Reapers project with my friend Chu, and I really want to help push the Reapers project forward by introducing more people to his artwork. Finally I have an opportunity to do that! GIVEAWAY TIME!

As many people know, I have been working on an ETH project called Clementine's Nightmare. While I generally build things on BCH, this project needed a much larger audience than the smartBCH community in order to succeed, so I have been thinking about ways to introduce some of the Clementine community to smartBCH! That way they can checkout MistSwap and Oasis, and see what our web3 community is all about!

March 2nd at 9AM PST (Tomorrow) the Clementine's Nightmare unveiling will be happening, and I want to give people a chance to win a FREE Clementine's Nightmare NFT!

I will be awarding the NFT to our lucky winner tomorrow ONE HOUR before the unveiling! That means you could win an ultra or legendary Clementine! Sky is the limit, it will be an unrevealed NFT!

Rules & Conditions

Chu is going to be posting a tweet linking to this article from the main Reapers account. In order to qualify you must meet the following conditions:

  • Have a Twitter account at least a year old, or have had consistent communication within the Reapers telegram channel for the past month. Please include your Telegram handle in the tweet if your Twitter account is less than a year old. You can also provide proof that you are a Lucid Dreamer on Discord if you don't meet the other criteria.

  • Retweet and share the tweet.

  • Comment with your ETH/smartBCH address and tag 3 friends! The address must own at least one Reaper on the smartBCH network, and have ETH activity on the address!

  • When we check the address, the more Reapers you have, the higher your chance of winning:

    • 1-3 Reapers - 1 Entry

    • 4-15 Reapers - 2 Entries

    • 16+ Reapers - 3 Entries

I am sure many Ethereum users need a little more direction to participate. The following FAQ should help.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I get a Reaper?
- Reapers can be obtained at

What is Oasis?
- Oasis is the OpenSea equivalent on smartBCH!

How can I easily transfer ETH to BCH on the smartBCH network?
- You can transfer funds easily at

What is MistSwap?
- One of the largest DEXs on smartBCH. They also have the most advanced bridge available for converting a number of crypto currencies into BCH.

How do setup MetaMask for smartBCH?
- Just visit and allow it to configure your MetaMask for you. The site is safe, I wrote it myself. It just makes it easy to setup smartBCH and gives you a nicer view of your assets than MetaMask.

Is this for real?
- Absolutely. I am the CTO of Pixelated Ink and I am one of the few people that can guarantee a free Clementine's Nightmare NFT!

What if I still have questions?
- Feel free to join us in the Reapers telegram channel.

Best of luck to all the participants!


$ 20.47
$ 20.26 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Pantera
$ 0.05 from @Sairaa
+ 3
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Written by
2 years ago


I am looking up for more of this.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If this launch on ETH network then what about SmartBCH repears project.

$ 0.00
2 years ago