How to remain motivated for a very long time?

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4 years ago

We have special goals we intend to meet at some point in our lives. Whether it be, becoming financially stable before your thirties, travelling to top European cities after the pandemic or even as small as losing a few pounds from your make-shift diet plan. Your motivational drive may deteriorate with time, especially because of the many challenges that come with attaining those goals.

Don't get flustered about the physical impacts of a broken motivational system, but instead find new ways to intrinsically (within) motivate yourself.

Here's what you can do;

1- Set Attainable and Realistic Goals

One of the main reasons people don't achieve their goals is because of their unrealistic nature. For example, a friend of mine once said, that they want to get rich by twenty-five, with three or more streams of income. They said this when they were only twenty-two years old, still in university in their second year, and no prior saving accounts or source of monetary assets. This was by no means a realistic goal, it just isn't possible to reach in three short years.

An important factor in setting attainable goals is putting yourself in a position to reach that goal. Don't just sit around and expect something to happen, put things in place for your future.

2- Think about life after achieving your goals

This should act as a source of motivation. If you would like to lose a few pounds at a certain time, or maybe age, think about how happy you would feel after accomplishing it. Weight is a 'catchy and personal' topic for some, and such your gains in the end may even encourage prolonged self-worth and ensue deeper meaning to your life. Think of a dark and long tunnel. The journey may be long, a bit scary and frustrating, but as you come closer to the end you would see the light, the life that is in store at the end. Once you think like this, the mind would be focused on the obstacle until it reaches the target.

3- Accept Change and Challenges

Challenge yourself in different ways, to keep that motivational spirit.
One of the top killers of motivation is progress. You may feel that you're moving too slow, or you can do much better. The thing is, you may already be putting your best foot forward, and working as hard as you possibly could. Don't get discouraged, obstacles may come in the way to make you stronger, to at least help you in setting more attainable goals, as we've spoken about in number two. Nothing in life comes easy, or at least that's what they say. You best believe that the pace you're going at is the pace you're meant to go, nothing ever happens before it's time, just keep at it!

Be empowered to self-motivate and concentrate on life after the finish line!

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4 years ago


At this moment I this kind of article that talks all about positivity. It reminds me to be always motivated. Thank you for sharing 😊

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You're welcome. I'm glad you were motivated.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yeah that's the real world, you will never defeated by the problems if you keep challenging your self to learn something more and accept your mistakes, no one is perfect but everyone can improve themselves in a better version of them. Just keep on going whenever if it's hard or easy there is always a lesson to do I am very happy to read this kind of stuff, an inspirational stuff than dragging others down even they have no violations. Keep it up and always make a peace and focus self development for better future, by the way a nice article, New happy subscriber here because of this very good article.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you so much for appreciating my work. I also have some down times and writing things like this often keeps me up. I truly hope it inspire many others asnit did you.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

It's okay if you have down times everyone experience that and the best thing to do is to analyze and improve it

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow I am really motivated by this and I hope everyone who reads this, finds it so helpful...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I'm glad you're motivated Collin. I sure hope many others are too.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Youre right, having that advised and suggestions make us motivated and inpired to move with our life and look for the good things to make our life better.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes commitment and self discipline means alot to achieve that.. I just give you a subscribe.. Please give yours back.. Lets get connected

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yeah. Just commit in possitive people thingking.

$ 0.01
4 years ago