Are We Compatible?

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3 years ago

Jose and Anna are two lovebirds, residing in the Seattle area.
Their lives are pretty stable, and they're ready to settle down.
Well at least, that's what they think.

Anna works a nine to five job, and it pays really well, but every day after work, she barely has time to do anything. On many occasions, her boyfriend of two years has to beg her to spend time with him, even as little as a drink at his favorite coffee-shop.
Jose is growing a bit weary of Anna's behavior, and he often feels like she is uninterested, or tired of him.

An entire week had gone by, and Anna had no contact with Jose.
Jose called her one evening, and expressed his feelings to her.
Jose is shocked to learn that Anna doesn't see any issue with their communication issues.
Her exact words were; "We're grown, we have bills to pay, things that we want; I expect that we have that understanding."
Jose's lips were sealed, he couldn't believe her response; he was totally lost for words.

Anna then added; "Here's what, I have to work overtime for the rest of the week, but we can hang out for an hour on the weekend, preferably Saturday night."

Jose was even more amazed, Anna is now organizing a time that they can meet.
"You're kidding right?" Jose asked.
"I'm not, I'm really trying Jose, it would be nice if you would too," Anna said, her attention quickly shifting to her phone.

Right then and there, Jose was compelled that Anna isn't the one for him.
She wasn't the same girl he met two years ago. Ever since her promotion at work, it had been chaos ever since.

The only thing keeping Jose from leaving is the fact that he has a huge secret that Anna knows nothing about. He feels guilty that they have been together for so many years, and she had no idea.
She knows that Jose has a business beside his day job, but she doesn't know the full details; in fact she doesn't know just how much Jose is actually worth.
Jose thinks revealing this secret will show Anna just how much he loves her, but he also thinks that it can driver her away.
.............................................................................................................................................................Weeks had gone by, and Jose finally told her the truth about what he does.
Jose's big dark secret, had Anna's body in a temporary statue.
Her eyes bulged widely at him, her hands stiff at her side.
Each step forward for Jose, was many steps back for Anna.
"There is no way!" Anna repeated, over and over.
Jose grabbed Anna.
It was the roughest he had been with her.
Anna is shaken not just by his secret but by the way he 'man-handled' her.
Jose wasn't true to himself, Anna was only seeing his soft side, a side that he forces. In his natural habitat, Jose is a 'demon' but Anna doesn't have to know that!
.............................................................................................................................................................You would think that they broke up after this altercation!
Anna and Jose's relationship is stronger than ever, but it's highly toxic.
Anna is now Jose's submissive, since he revealed his 'mafia-side.'
Jose takes full advantage of Anna. Every single thing she does, depends on him.
The food she eats, the clothes she wears, her friends, even how much time she spends with her family.

Truth is, they've had major issues, from ever since they met; but have been able to overcome each and everyone of them.
Sadly, for each issue they overcome, it gives way for new ones.

Do you think Jose and Anna would last? And continue to be Toxic for the rest of their lives?

What are your thoughts about their relationship?

$ 2.41
$ 2.40 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @Sammieobong
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3 years ago


As you have mentioned that the relationship Anna and Jose is toxic, I don't think it will last long. And since Anna has been forced to be submissive in this article, she can never be happy in this relationship.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Good Article sister subscribe me also

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I don't think they last tho Nice write-up, I really love it

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you Sammie.

$ 0.00
3 years ago