My First Impression Of Read.Cash

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4 years ago

Well I just landed here today and already this is my third post. I'm not new to writing blog, I'm doing this already for a year now, blogging to different platforms. I started blogging just for fun, and along the way, I learned and honed my writings as time pass. I loved reading, so naturally I also love to write even though English is not my first language, I keep learning and improving.

What I first notice here in is the straightforward and easy to use platform. Write a good content and you can earn. If you want to support a content creator, you do so. This really a straightforward approached without any complication.

Another thing is blogging here can make you earn some Bitcoin Cash which is currently at #5 in market capitalization, that's really awesome!

I know some pure blockchainbase social platform which is too complicated and hard to use especially those who are use to mainstream platforms. is on the middle between of this two.

Looking forward for great things ahead here!


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4 years ago


You're welcome again quantum, you've gat no worries be happy,readcash is here for you , so are we. Just keep dropping good articles and sticks to the rule and regulation of readcash,with that you're good to go.

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4 years ago