I Just Landed Here

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4 years ago

Whoooah!... I just landed here.

Hello everyone! .. Hope you all doing great in this time of pandemic and quarantine time. I know, all of you guys want to get back to normal life and usual jobs like before. Yes, I also very eager to get back to work and do the things I always did.

But going back to normal again seems very difficult. The authorities are pushing for "a new norm" that every citizen must comply. Its make sense really that there will be a new norm because people have already change a lot during this quarantine time when a they lost jobs and forced to just stay at home.

What the people should do, is to be vigilant in the things that might lead to surrendering are rights and freedom in exchange of safety issues. What might be wrong is when government craft laws that will make vaccinations, social distancing , wearing mask, mass gathering etc. a compulsory one and doing things against what they say will be punishable by fine and jailtime.

I strongly believe that what Sweden did to this current crisis will become successful. Only time can tell that an approach of no lockdown, no forcing anyone to do social distancing, wearing mask will be effective to fight the virus. In absent of vaccine what Sweden is doing is to let the body's immune system to fight the virus. Virus are already unleashed so the best weapon is to let our own immune system figure out ways to fight the virus. Lockdown does nothing, only delay what is already inevitable.

Lastly, the world must know where does really this virus came from. Some suspect that this virus came from Wuhan Lab, in which they experimented families of coronaviruses. Is this all a planned pandemic? Does some powerful group colluded to make this Plandemic and unleashed fear and chaos to the world? We must all be very vigilant in times like this!

By the way, I'm just a crypto follower, nature lover, entrepreneur, blogger, family man , world observer and a farmer...I'm quantum888

Thanks guys!


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4 years ago


I am subscribe your channel. plz subscribe back

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You're welcome. You see, all those instructions are very good for our safety against Covid-19. Is what Sweden did resultful against Covid-19?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nice intro article. Colorful. Welcome onboard, and glad to have you with us.

$ 0.00
4 years ago


Whatever is done during this pandemic, and it can be discussed if more or less should have been done, it is important that compulsory measures are not allowed to linger after the crisis is over.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Authorities are trying, so we must be vigilant..

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Welcome @quantum888, you're right about all you've said their, being alive gives you the opportunity to become more in life, once dead is dead no coming back,so following all the instruction about this deadly virus is what all of us needs to embrace without been forced. As I always say: WE BOTH COUNT.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Lovely writeup

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nice,Follow company norms to safe work and becareful about covid-19

$ 0.00
4 years ago