Be Attractive, Win One's Heart

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4 years ago

We are all aware in this already, attractive people got the job easily, got more sales, promoted in work, became great speakers, win in politics, and many more.

Many people perceive attractiveness more on physical appearance and characteristic and some on certain traits or personality type. Actually, when you Google it, you'll find these articles, blog and definitions which focus more on physical side.

Being handsome or beautiful is not enough right? Maybe it has some advantage. A man which is not good looking but have a charismatic persona love by people, how is that? There's no best personality type which can assure success and everyone just have a unique traits on its own. We should just be true to ourself right?

Let me say this, to be attractive , you should win other's people heart. How can we do it?

"You should have an interest in other people's game in life"

"Normally if we talk to others which is close to their heart, they feel some connection which in turn, will also show some interest on what we are saying."

Make sense now right? Honestly this really a tricky one. Someone may doing it already unconsciously and some consciously. It can be very powerful and meaningful but also be destructive on your side when done untruthful.

Planning ahead is crucial, and knowing other's interest can be useful enough to your advantage. This principle can be the difference between outstanding salesman and a normal one.

Look on to our politician, are they applying these princple on their speeches? In any beauty contest, appearance is not enough to win, you should win the heart of the judges and the audience.

In jobs interview, a "pleasing" personality can be view more on physical side or attitude but while interview is ongoing and you show a genuine interest to join the company, you have a high chances to be hired. Of course you already show some interest, when you apply, they just making sure if it is really a genuine one.😊

Well, I can't go on anymore. We can be pro- active in life or just wander and watch how other's people succeed in life. You can just treat this as an advise. And remember you can do this principle depends on what morals you believe in. It is up to you.. 😊

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4 years ago


You're right bro, especially lady, they got everything easily because of there attractiveness. If you're seeking a job for an example and you're competition With a lady ,your chance of winning that job is 30% out of 100 but for female there chances are 80%.

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4 years ago