Wulung coconut

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Avatar for qheer92
2 years ago
Topics: Coconut, Healthy, Drink
At first glance like ordinary coconut.

Who does not know about benefits of young coconut? Fruit that has so many benefits and can be used as a refreshing thirst-quenching drink that is very healthy.

Coconut plants are known as plants that have many benefits. This is because almost all parts of the coconut plant can be processed into something useful. Starting from leaves, stems, to sticks, we can make objects that are very useful for our activities. Likewise with flesh of fruit, which contains beneficial properties for the health of the body.

There is no doubt about benefits of coconut. Nutrients in it make this fruit often recommended to support health and overcome some health problems that arise.

Base of coconut has a pink color.

This time, I will discuss one type of coconut which also has very good health benefits, and what is unique is that this coconut has almost three times price of ordinary coconut. Coconut is known as "wulung" coconut. From outside, its physical form does look like an ordinary coconut. But when you cut it a little at base, you will see a striking difference from the "wulung" coconut.

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While ordinary coconuts will show a pale white color when cut, "wulung" coconuts have their own color, namely pink. This "wulung" coconut belongs to the varidis variety of green coconut. In addition to different colors when cut, this coconut also has a sweeter taste and I think it is very refreshing even without a mixture of ice or other sweeteners. Maybe because of this, price of this type of coconut is more expensive than the ordinary type of coconut.

When the Covid-19 pandemic hit my area, "wulung" coconut became something that was highly sought after because it was believed to be able to prevent and treat people who had been exposed to the Covid-19 virus.

Coconut "wulung" can help you meet the needs of essential electrolytes for the body. It is certainly very good to help soothe intestines. Not only that, "wulung" coconut water is also efficacious for cleaning the kidneys and launching urine. As a result, you will avoid various risks of diseases that can interfere with the kidneys. You can notice, usually after enjoying coconut water, you will urinate faster. This is a sign that your kidneys are healthier.

Coconut "wulung" which is widely known to treat poisoning. "Wulung" coconut is known to contain higher levels of tannins than coconuts in general. With these ingredients, it is considered effective to overcome poisoning. Therefore, as first aid for people who are poisoned, you can give them "wulung" coconut water. The poison will also be neutralized immediately and restore the poisoned person so that his condition does not get worse.

Maybe benefits of "wulung" coconut water are almost the same as ordinary coconut water, but because of its rare existence and its sweeter and refreshing taste, it makes price more expensive. Have you ever tried to consume coconut like this?

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Avatar for qheer92
2 years ago
Topics: Coconut, Healthy, Drink


Degan Wulung is believed to have many benefits. The water is also sweet. Does this wulung coconut have a difference in taste from coconut which is similar in shape but white coir? And it is commonly called green coconut. 😄 Suddenly want to eat coconut

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Your country is rich with palm trees, and another natural things, we(our government) just imported a huge amount of palm oil from your country. Yes you are right about the benefits of this green coconut. I like its water so much.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Each area has its own advantages, and maybe your area also has advantages that we don't have.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This would be my first time hearing about wulung coconut. The world is filled with different varieties of fruits.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hahaha, this is privileges of God's creation are very diverse sir.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

According to the world of health, coconut wulung is believed to make our bodies fit, strong and durable, and lots of people drink this coconut for strong medicine for themselves, in addition to this coconut tonic, it can also neutralize all the toxins in our body, and this head is very suitable for drinking young people and the elderly, because of the extraordinary benefits.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Jadi, anda juga sering menikmati kelapa wulung seperti ini pak?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I don't believe, this is a cure for the Covid virus. However, I believe that this coconut is tastier than usual.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's just people's trust here, maybe because it has so many benefits that it is claimed to be able to prevent the Covid-19 virus.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lagek iki aku eroh klopo di oncek kulite pink ngunu. Jarang enek ning nggon ku kang soale hehe.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Reneo dulin nang ngomahku kang, iki regone luarang loh. Ndok kene gratis hahaha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

wuadoh kang. aku njaluk di paketno wae kang klopone. ra usah akeh2 wkwkwk

$ 0.00
2 years ago