Tonight I can still see full moon

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2 years ago
Topics: Moon, Amazing, Full moon

Tonight and yesterday were sunny nights where I live, so I am very grateful, tonight I can still enjoy seeing full moon or full moon. A very beautiful moment, enjoying God's extraordinary creation, my current writing is to continue previous article about the discussion of full moon.

Full moon generally occurs on the 14th day after new moon phase. Usually according to Hijri calendar, because determination of first date corresponds to position of new moon. A full moon occurs when the position of earth is between moon and sun in a relatively straight line. Entire sunlit side of moon becomes visible so that at a full moon, moon looks completely round and very bright.

I take picture of full moon from roof of my house

At time of a full moon, many parts of moon can be observed from earth, and most of surface is in form of craters. Because at full moon, some of craters on surface of moon look like lines emitting from center of crater. These lines come from scattering of particles thrown up when meteorite falls to moon's surface and forms a crater.


Supermoon is a term for Full Moon phenomenon that occurs when moon is in full moon phase in perigee position, which is position of moon when it is closest to earth which makes it appear larger and appear brighter.

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Full Moon Eclipse

So actually full moon is a phase of moon that occurs when there is a change in events during one cycle of moon's revolution. An eclipse is an event that covers sun's rays to moon by earth. When full moon phase occurs, position of moon is between Earth and Sun, and this position is same when there is an eclipse. But that does not mean that when a full moon occurs, it is an eclipse, although it does not rule out that when an eclipse occurs, it is during a full moon.

This happens because of the slope of plane of the moon's orbit when it surrounds the earth, therefore there will be no eclipse every time a new moon phase or full moon occurs. Thing we need to remember is that eclipses only occur when moon, earth, and sun are in a straight line. While moon takes 29 days to circle earth at an angle of 5° in its orbit. Even in 1 month, it is not certain that the position of moon can be parallel to Earth and Sun because moon's orbit is tilted at 5°.

That's a little knowledge about full moon and lunar eclipse that I summarized from some of reference articles I read, hopefully it can add to your insight.

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Avatar for qheer92
2 years ago
Topics: Moon, Amazing, Full moon


The old adage says, if there is a full moon, then there are celestial beings that will descend to earth, but until now I have not seen what kind of creature will descend. hehehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I watched the moon lights up the sky last night. It was so big and beautiful. Every time I looked at it I remember the person who told me that I signify the moon in his life. Isn't it romantic? 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Mas, mas anak IPA ya mas? Wkwk

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Udu mas, aku anake beyunge koh

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I really love seeing full moon. The moon brings beauty to the earth when shining in the night.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Jarene nek "semakin dekat bulan ke bumi maka tubuh akan kehilangan bobot berat badan". Tenan gak kui kang?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kehilangan bobot berat badan iku mergo stress mikiri utang om. Wkwkwk

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Stres stadium 9 iso mengakibatkan gendeng yang berlebihan yo kang wkwkwk

$ 0.00
2 years ago