Smart charger

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Avatar for qheer92
2 years ago
Topics: Phone, Android, Charger

Continuing my previous article about choosing a charger for cellphones, and yesterday I also bought a charger that I call a "smart charger" because of some of its features which I think are very smart when used to charge cellphones that already have fast charging and quick charging features, In fact, these two features are essentially same, namely recharging large-capacity cellphone batteries in a short time.

I bought this charger adapter for $14 at an online store, I chose this product because many recommend it to be used to recharge cellphones that already have fast charging or quick charging features.

This charger has six USB ports that can be used simultaneously, five USB ports for ordinary charging with an output of 5 Volt 8 Ampere, and one USB port for fast charging with outputs varying from 5V3A, 9V2A, 12V1.5A.

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Why do I call it a smart charger? Because this charger can adjust output power that is issued to recharge cellphone battery, so when you charge your cellphone with this charger, it will automatically detect output power requirement that must be issued to be able to recharge your cellphone battery.

If your cellphone already has a fast charging feature, this charger will automatically issue a greater output power than charging a cellphone that doesn't have a fast charging feature. As seen in the picture, USB port number six produces 9V1.7A of power because I use it to charge my Sony Xperia XZ2 cellphone which already has a fast charging feature and on USB port number one it only produces 5V1.0A because I use it to charge my old cellphone which don't have fast charging feature yet.

Actually, there are still many good and advanced features of this charger that I will share with you, but these few days I have been busy in the offline world, so maybe on another occasion I will discuss about a charger adapter that I call this "smart charger".

Thank you for reading till end, hopefully it can add to your insight!

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Avatar for qheer92
2 years ago
Topics: Phone, Android, Charger


I also bought a fast charger a month ago which is now useless because I used the charger on different mobiles which was my fault. This is the first time I've seen a charger have six USB ports. It looks amazing.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

This is more efficient bro, cause we can charger many phone in same time hahaha

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It's my first time to see a charger like this, I am quite amazed of this. Thanks for this informative blog of yours bro. By the way, nice meeting you here.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Nice to meet you too bro, I just learn to share what I have. lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago