Prevent mold and mites from multiplying on your bedding

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1 year ago

When weather is hot, you may see many people drying their pillows, bolsters, or mattresses under sunlight. This house-cleaning activity has indeed become a habit for people in countries that get enough sunlight throughout year, including Indonesia. Is this really right way to clean our bedding?

Since first, habit of drying pillows, bolsters, and mattresses has been done. However, there may still be many who do not know what benefits of this activity are. Apparently, putting pillows, bolsters, and mattresses under sunlight provides many benefits for quality sleep. Even later, these habits will also have a positive impact on health and personal hygiene and clean and healthy living behavior.

Are you aware that mattresses, pillows, and bolsters are equipment that has close contact with our body every day? Not surprisingly, bacteria, germs, and even viruses can gather in your bedding. This has not been added to accumulation of dust, dirt, or dead skin cells on mattress.

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If left unchecked, this pile of germs, dust, and dirt is at risk of causing various health problems, ranging from skin irritation, allergies, to asthma. Well, exposure to scorching and hot sun is believed to kill organisms on mattresses, pillows, and bolsters.

If you often find bed bugs or mites in your bed, drying your pillows, bolsters, and mattresses is a solution that is believed to be effective. Mites and certain bacteria can not survive in very high temperatures (above 50 degrees Celsius).

Therefore, hotter sunlight, more effective it is in killing bed mites. Habit of drying bedding under sunlight can make moisture trapped in pillows, bolsters, and mattresses evaporate.

If mattresses, pillows, and bolsters are constantly in humid conditions, there's a good chance that bacteria and mold will thrive there. This will of course be exacerbated by presence of an air conditioner or humidifier in room which can make room more humid.

To prevent allergies or asthma attacks due to fleas, mites, and other organisms on your bolster, you should regularly clean your pillows and bolsters. Wash and change sheets, pillowcases, and bolsters once a week. Meanwhile, for inside of pillows and bolsters, you can clean them every three months.

If you and your family are allergic to bed bugs and mites, choose special sheets and pillowcases that are not infested by organisms, for example you can use synthetic leather. Sheets of this type are usually available at home supply centers.

Also make sure air circulation in your bedroom is good enough. The reason is, these small animals will breed in a humid room and lack of air circulation.

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1 year ago


Nek musim sering udan iki mesti di enteni kang nek jemur bantal guling. Aku yo pernah sekali bantal guling ku kuyup wkwkwk.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

This problem is also in my home. I think doing cleaning on daily can make this issue overcome.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

This is a concern of ours because the one room we have is dark and no sunlight there. I try to dry the mattresses and pillows under the sun but the problem is that there is no sun lol!

$ 0.01
1 year ago

keren mas

$ 0.00
1 year ago