Pleasure of enjoying coffee, my dose of brewing a cup of coffee

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1 year ago

If you want to get a delicious cup of coffee, then you have to pay attention to dosage to make a glass of black coffee or one that you mix with sugar or milk. Matter of taste is actually relative. There are also those who consume coffee according to their health conditions. For example, people with ulcers, it is recommended to consume a type of coffee that has a lower acidity level. So before brewing coffee, the most important thing to do is to know acidity of the coffee so it doesn't have an effect on stomach acid.

Before making sure cup of coffee you are going to brew is delicious according to dose, there are also other things that need to be known as secret to deliciousness of coffee.

  • When choosing to buy, read label and description on packaging. Currently there are many coffee companies that make coffee with a mixture of other ingredients, asking each other with fellow coffee lovers will help you get the best type of coffee. Don't think that coffee with an Italian brand is guaranteed to be delicious and good. Everything must be based on experience and taste is sometimes relative.

  • Storage, do not store coffee in freezer because it will reduce quality of resulting taste. No matter how perfect dose of making a glass of black coffee you make, if coffee has been stored in freezer, taste will still have an effect. Don't stock up too much coffee at home, buy and finish, then buy more. This will help you always have new stock and you will get a better taste of coffee.

  • Finding right dose, although this is a matter of taste, some coffee lovers and experts make measurements in enjoying a glass of coffee. You can try it first, and if you think it's not to your taste, you can also make your own right amount.

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If you brew a lot of coffee with standard water, it will be over-extracted and taste will be very bitter. Conversely, if the coffee is too little with standard amount of water it will taste bland and not delicious. Then adjust dose according to your liking.

In my opinion, to make a cup of coffee size of cup is 300 milliliters. I usually use two tablespoons of coffee grounds. This measure will produce right coffee taste, not too bland and not over-extracted. You can try whether it suits your tongue or not. But if you get used to it for a long time you can enjoy it.

If you feel that coffee you are brewing still doesn't taste good, try checking hot water you use for brewing. Make sure water is just boiling, not one stored in thermos. For beginner coffee connoisseurs, usually can not be separated from sugar when enjoying coffee. This is first way someone did to train his tongue to like coffee. Then gradually, it is better if use of sugar can be reduced or abandoned so that good benefits of coffee can be obtained by our bodies.

This is just a dose of black coffee that I often enjoy. Of course, everyone has their own dose to get the pleasure of drinking coffee. My advice is to reduce or abandon use of sugar to have a health effect on your body. Maybe when you first enjoy it, it will taste bitter, but if you get used to it, you can certainly find its own taste pleasure from a cup of coffee that you enjoy.

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1 year ago


Kopine opo kui kang? Koyok e top kopi nek di delok busane hehe

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Kopi sejita unat kang, aku cocoke kapal api tapi sing ireng tok, nek wes kemasan mbek gulo menurutku kemanisen

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Podo karo kopi ku kang. Nek tuku kopi aku sing bungkus silver kui akeh isine. Nek sing mbek gulo iku nek menurut ku pas rasane. Tapi aku tuku sing kopi + gulo iku nek kepepet tok kang.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You must be a coffee lover. Lots of valuable info about coffee. I do not keep this in freezer but in fridge to retain its smell.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I need to sleep late tonight because I'm doing something and I drink coffee and time check it's almost 1 am here while writing this comment and I still don't feel sleepy 😁

$ 0.01
1 year ago

This coffee looks so strong, it will make you sleepless for more than two days hahaha. I like its bitter taste

$ 0.01
1 year ago

For me there is no significant effect if I enjoy coffee at night before going to bed, I'm still sleepy. lol

$ 0.00
1 year ago