Often confused, this is difference between cold and flu

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2 years ago
Topics: Health, Flu, Cold, Medicine

In the transition season or rainy season like now, colds and flu often appear. If you have experienced symptoms, such as sneezing, sore throat or stuffy nose, some people will assume it is a symptom of the flu. However, there are also some people who say it is a symptom of a cold. In fact, colds and flu are two different diseases.

Have a cold

Common cold is an upper respiratory tract disorder caused by a viral infection. Actually there are hundreds of types of viruses that cause colds. However, Rhinovirus is type of virus that most often causes runny nose to sneezing.

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Although it can appear at any time, colds are usually most common in winter or rainy season. This is because most cold viruses thrive in low temperatures (cold) and dry air.

Common cold is also a contagious disease. You can catch cold virus if you accidentally inhale droplets of saliva in air that an infected person coughs or sneezes. In addition, holding surface of an object that has been contaminated by splashes of saliva containing the cold virus, then directly touching your nose, mouth, or eyes can also be a way for cold virus to enter your body.

Cold symptoms will appear two to three days after the cold virus enters body. Symptoms you will feel when you have a cold are:

  • Sore throat, which usually goes away in a day or two.

  • Stuffy or runny nose.

  • Sneeze.

  • Cough with green or yellow phlegm.

  • Headaches (occasionally).

  • Body feels weak.

  • Fever.

  • Reduced sense of smell and taste.

Snot that comes out during a cold is usually clear for the first few days. However, longer mucus texture can be thicker and darker in color. That's a sign that there is an effort to fight against viral infections in your body.

Colds usually clear up within 7 to 10 days. But to get well quickly, those of you who have a cold are recommended to get enough rest, eat foods rich in fiber, and drink lots of water to replace fluids lost from the body.


Flu or commonly called influenza is a viral infection that attacks respiratory system, which is the system consisting of nose, throat, and lungs. There are three types of viruses that cause flu, namely influenza A, influenza B, and influenza C. However, flu is most often caused by influenza types A and B. Unlike the common cold, which can occur at any time, the flu is a seasonal disease.

Medicine to relieve flu symptoms

Way flu virus is transmitted is same as the cold, namely through the saliva that is released by the sufferer when coughing or sneezing that is accidentally inhaled. However, unlike common cold, flu can develop into more serious illnesses such as pneumonia. This is especially prone to occur in children, pregnant women, elderly, people with chronic diseases (heart failure, lung failure or diabetes), and people who have weak immune systems such as people with HIV.

Flu symptoms also appear faster and more severe than cold symptoms. The flu symptoms are :

  • High fever for 3-5 days, although these symptoms do not occur in all patients.

  • Headache.

  • Coughs.

  • Decreased appetite.

  • Sore throat.

Flu symptoms can get worse in two to five days. That is why those of you who have flu need to drink lots of water and get enough rest. To reduce flu symptoms, you can take paracetamol or ibuprofen that are sold over-the-counter at pharmacies.

Well, that's the difference between flu and cold. If you experience the symptoms as I mentioned, you should immediately consult a doctor to get advice for right treatment. You can also directly buy cold or flu medicine at nearest pharmacy in your area. Thank you for reading to the end! May be useful.

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Avatar for qheer92
2 years ago
Topics: Health, Flu, Cold, Medicine


A very informative article, it's difficult to have any viruses these days so we better take care of ourselves and family

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, take care is better way to prevent you and your family from the virus.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

These diseases are different in themselves, but for the cause they are the same. A virus enters the body and gradually spreads in human cells. The treatment of flu, colds and viruses can be very different, which is why you need to recognize in time what kind of disease has attacked you. So you're right: in any case, a visit to the doctor is a must.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, visit and consulting with Doctor is best way.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is hard to be sick these days. I always protect myself when I am in public places. Hope every thing's fine.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That is good, I am happy hear that.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also have a cold, but I don't take cold medicine, but I do respiratory therapy, using warm water with 1 tablespoon of eucalyptus oil, but alhamdulillah I recovered. hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Berarti anda tidak terkena flu pak, salah satu tanda anda terkena flu adalah minum ultraflu.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

After I travel long distances on my motorbike, I often flu, and the step I take is that I immediately take anti-cold medicine, sir, instead of taking ultraflu, even though I have a flu, no cold, but after I took anti-cold medicine, I immediately recovered Sir. .Laugh out loud.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Itu berarti anda masuk angin, bukan flu. Kalau anda minum ultraflu berarti anda flu.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I didn't know about such differences.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Now you know the difference between flu and col sir,

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The recent pandemic was/is a "PCR pandemic." The ambiguous PCR test shows mixed-up positive results for multiple viruses, including common cold, cough, fever, influenza, whooping cough, the new virus, etc.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is one of tlreasons I never wanted to do PCR and SWAB tests because there was no clarity there, exposed to Covid or just the common cold

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow, I never knew of this two different thing until I come across your post, I hope this will be so helpful friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Now you know the difference between cold and flu. That is good for you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sir. today my nose is starting to run but there are no symptoms of dizziness etc. that means I just have a cold right. Usually when I have a cold, I only smoke 1, 2, 3. Lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Don't forget to choose cigarettes with menthol for a speedy recovery, sir! lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago