My mom's first experience eating Kebab Burger

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2 years ago
Topics: Food, Burger

Who here still has living parents, all of them? I hope you are still with your parents and glorify them. Because I firmly believe, you will never become bankrupt or lose when you take care of your parents in their old age.

It is an obligation for all children to be filial to their parents, I believe all religions teach to be filial to parents because their services to us as children will not be possible for us to repay.

In my opinion, parents don't need abundant wealth in their old age, they just want to be accompanied by their children when their parents have entered a less productive period, when they start to age, it's like they are back to being children. Need extra care to accompany parents. Be extra patient, and so on because maybe they have started to lose their energy for activities. So it is our duty as children to take care of them when they enter their old age.

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I am very grateful that I still have my father and mother, even though they are officially separated. And now I choose to take care of my mother as best I can, while my other siblings I recommend taking care of our father because we live in different districts.

Things often happen that I think are funny, maybe it's true that people say that older they get, more their behavior will return to being like a child. Some time ago we were talking about eating and I accidentally talked about burgers. My mom had never had a burger before, so she was curious how it looked and tasted. I've explained to my mother, about shape and taste of burger, but it seems my mother is still curious so she asked me to buy it when I have free time.

Look like ral Burger

We live in a small village, so it's very difficult to find a burger like I explained to my mother, because as far as I know burgers like that are only sold in big cities, but I was lucky. I found a burger seller even though it doesn't use ham. But that's okay, the important thing is that it looks almost like the original burger advertised on television. lol

This is a Kebab Burger, which is a burger whose meat uses meat used for kebab filling, but it looks like a real burger, enough to satisfy my mother's curiosity. Long story short, I bought two burgers for $1.5, very cheap and just right for me who only lives in a small village. lol

My mom is curious about contents of kebab burger

You can see expression on my mother's face, she was very curious about burger, she opened it and looked at the contents one by one. It's moments like this that make me so happy, I couldn't get this chance another time. I will use rest of my life to accompany and care for my mother as best I can. This is what a villager who lives in a small village, eats only burgers with, is already very happy. lol

For those of you who still have parents, take care and take care of them! Regret will come when they have left us. So make the most of the opportunity with them.

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Avatar for qheer92
2 years ago
Topics: Food, Burger


it seems your mother was very happy when she first ate the burger that you gave me, I also felt that pleasure because parents don't need to have a lot of wealth but they just need peace in their old age and the love of all their children

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I never had those either, but if is kebab meat must be nice :) Very nice of you to give your mother new food and experience :) And 2 for $1.5, that's a good deal. You can't get one burger here for that price. Maybe small size for kids, but normal size is more.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Kebab meat does taste very soft and delicious, maybe because I live in a small village so the price of food here is very cheap.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I remember when my mother was still alive in this world. At that time, Tupperware brand food and beverage containers were very popular, he had difficulty pronouncing Tupperware but he said prewe hihihi. To this day when I'm making jokes about this, I definitely remember the unique phrase that my late mother used to say.

May your mother always be in the protection of Allah and always healthy, Aamiin.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Aaamiinn, semoga Ibu anda jug diberikan tempat terbaik di sisi Tuhan. Begitulah ketika sudah tiada, pasti akan ada moment indah yang dirindukan.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your mother is so cute friend, and you are a good son to your mom, you prioritize her wants and she really enjoyed her food.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I'm just trying to take care of my mother as best I can, it's an obligation for children to take care of their parents.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your very good as a son keep it up and continue take good care your mother,I know she is very proud of you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am very happy to read your article, sir, I am very touched, it turns out that in this world there are still many good people who still love their parents.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Orang tua adalah pintu surga pak! Sangat rugi jika kita tidak sayang kepada mereka.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What an amazing experience, bro, indeed doing things with our parents and loved ones is a very happy thing, because there are still many people in this world who want to do this, but fate says otherwise, they have to do all the fun things without presence of both parents. You are one of the lucky people on this platform.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Benar gan. Saya merasa sangat bersyukur masih dapat merawat pintu surga saya di dunia ini. Semoga dapat mengantarkan saya kedalam surga di kehidupan yang akan datang.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ahhh dear may your parents with mine one too live long, healthy and safe life. The children like you are obviously pride of parents. If she was my mom, she will say my Homemade vegetables are far better than these Junk food. Haha

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Amen...! May our mother live long and always be healthy. My mother also said like that, own cooking is better than junk food. This is just to treat my mother's curiosity.

$ 0.00
2 years ago