Many health benefits that you get when you go on vacation to beach

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2 years ago
Topics: Beach, Healthy, Relaxing

My current writing is to continue two previous articles entitled Beach is my favorite place to spend my vacation and Beach is the best place to refresh your physical and mental Yesterday I discussed benefits of spending vacation time at beach but I haven't finished discussing it and in this article I will continue to do so. I try to pour my opinion that I get from several sources that I read. Please take a look and hopefully useful.

  • Make Your Body More Active

Subconsciously, when you are at beach you will become more active. There are various things you can do while on vacation at beach, such as playing in sand, swimming, and so on.

Playing sand beach

Physical activity or sports can have a positive influence on body health. Swimming at beach can be one of beneficial therapies for mental health.

Swimming as a physical activity can trigger a beach's restorative effect when in contact with nature. You will feel fitter because body is active and blood circulation improves.

  • Lose weight

Some people think that sunbathing on beach will only burn skin. Even though it is an interesting fact, sunbathing on beach can lose weight through sweat that comes out. Sunbathing on beach is same as staying in a sauna. However, this one method is much more natural and fun.

Vacationing at beach will make you move actively rather than just sitting at home. A number of physical activities, such as swimming, jogging, surfing, and playing water on beach can help you lose weight.

  • Increase Creativity

Take a vacation to beach immediately when you don't have an idea to execute a project. A study revealed that exploring effects of color helps performance of cognitive tasks. Then blue color of sky and sea is closely related to increasing one's creativity. Scientists believe that a vacation to beach can help hone creativity.

Beautiful scenary of Menganti Beach

Blue space has a positive effect on a person to clear his head and tackle a project or problem more creatively. Going to beach is like doing meditation. You will get a calm feeling to harmonize and reflect on things.

  • Positive Impact on Brain Function

Coastal areas can have a profound impact on brain and mental health. Maintaining mental health is as important as maintaining physical health because two are interconnected. You will get a peaceful and calm sensation through sound of beach waves. Sound of beach waves can improve brain function that can relieve emotions.

Sound of crashing waves is proven to be effective in healing and strengthening brain. Scientifically, brain will react positively to sound of splashing water. That way sound of beach waves is considered to be able to improve brain function when you feel fragile.

Beautiful scenary of beach, make you feel relax

You can gaze at blue ocean to change frequency of brain waves which puts you in a light meditative state. Breathing sea air can make function of brain organs get a positive effect directly.

  • Streamlining Blood Circulation

Circulatory system, of course, involves heart, arteries, capillaries, and veins. This system will transport oxygen-rich blood from heart to rest of body.

Swimming in sea water can be a physical activity that brings benefits to increase blood circulation in body. Why swimming can improve blood circulation? By swimming in sea, blood circulation will increase and restore reduced essential minerals. Depletion of essential minerals can occur due to stress, toxins from environment, and an unhealthy diet.

Actually there are many more benefits that you will get when choosing beach as a place to spend your vacation. I'm sure it will be very long and it will probably be boring if I keep talking about beach. Thank you for taking your time to listen to my writing till end, hopefully it can add to your insight.

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Avatar for qheer92
2 years ago
Topics: Beach, Healthy, Relaxing


I love the sea, oceans but I'm scared to go near it

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Why? Yoh have phobia?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I often vacation at the beach because the beach can make our mind and mental feel peaceful and calm. Therefore, going to the beach is the best solution to calm the mind.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, if you get stress you can go to beach to reduce your stress.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I really like the beach conditions, but walking on the beach too long makes my body thinner. I burst out laughing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That good for lose weight bro!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sitting in the beach side, I have experienced the most peaceful and calming moment when the sea breeze strikes.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Yeah, you right sir. Beach is best place to have chill and peaceful moment.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

then next time I will visit the beach, in order to get the benefits as you said, especially vitamin sea. Hihi

$ 0.03
2 years ago

It's very necessary sir, don't be too busy with your work, continuous work doesn't necessarily make you rich. lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago