How much ideally we need drinking water per day?

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2 years ago
Topics: Healthy, Water

What do you think is ideal drinking water requirement for a day? So far, we know that fluid requirement is 2 liters or 8 glasses per day. But did you know that water needs can be seen from size of your body weight.

Generally, everyone is recommended to drink 8 glasses of mineral water or approximately 2 liters per day. However, everyone's water needs are different.

Need for drinking water per person per day can actually be seen through body weight. To find out more about need for drinking water according to body weight, see following explanation, OK!

Two liters per day is formula or global reference used to meet fluid needs of human body. According to experts, as much as two liters of water is enough to keep body hydrated and safe for daily physical activities.

However, each person's drinking water intake per day is actually different. A person's fluid needs can be seen from their daily activities. If day's activities are not too heavy, it is certainly different from someone who has heavy physical activity.

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In addition, need for drinking water intake per day also needs to be calculated according to a person's weight. Of course, fluid needs of people who weigh 45 kilograms are different from those who weigh 90 kg.

Need for drinking water that is adjusted to body weight is related to body's metabolism. Automatically, heavier a person's body, higher his metabolism. So it requires more drinking water supply to support metabolic needs.

Then, how to calculate water requirement according to body weight? In calculating this, there is Watson's formula to help you. You can search in internet about how to calculate drinking water needs using Watson formula. This formula also applies to global counts. If you find it difficult to calculate Watson's formula, try easier way, which is weight multiplied by 30 ml. Usually it will be revealed how much drinking water is needed per day.

However, if you want to stick to drinking 2 liters of water per day, that is also a good choice and not a problem. In essence, need for fluid intake depends on person's activity. If activity is high, then need for water in body can also be more. In general, 8 glasses per day, but again adjusted to daily activities. If your activity is strenuous, of course you will need more fluids.

To know whether or not enough water in body can be seen from color of urine. If urine that comes out is thick (yellow), it means that you are not drinking enough. If light is close to clear, it means it is enough. There is no one right size to determine need for drinking water per day, because need for drinking water depends on body weight, activity and environmental conditions.

For example, if you weigh 45 kg, you may need 2-3 liters. However, if you live in a hot climate and exercise a lot, you may need more water. Conversely, if you live in a cold climate and rarely exercise, you may need less water.

That's an explanation of need for drinking water according to body weight and activities carried out every day. It is very important to get enough fluid intake per day. If body lacks water, risk of dehydration such as weakness, constipation, or even muscle disorders will easily come your way.

Research also proves that fulfillment of water needs in body will reduce occurrence of excess weight. So, adjust your drinking water needs respectively, because less or more drinking water intake only you can feel it.

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2 years ago
Topics: Healthy, Water


The health world states that 2 liters of water is enough to meet the needs of our bodies, but I often spend 1.5 liters for 1 hour of exercise, and I estimate that I spend 8 liters of mineral water / day. Hahaha, maybe I need more water than other people. Laugh out loud.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Water is life

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Drinking water is very advisable, like sometimes you get some headaches due to the fact that the body is out of water and needs to be hydrated.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

My body is heavy, so I can be sure I have to drink 2-5 liters of water per day. Ha ha however, I prefer to drink coffee. Lol

$ 0.02
2 years ago