How do I get over the boredom of writing?

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2 years ago
Topics: Write, Tips
I often hold my head while writing so my brain doesn't go blank. lol

Who here often feels confused when writing articles? Or maybe you've written half way and are not sure what else to write? Then feel bored and feel blank when you hold tool to start writing. Don't worry, I also often experience things like that, I think all writers must have experienced something like this, or maybe even often. lol

If you are going to write, you have difficulty and run out of ideas, then it indicates that your writing mood is declining. If this happens you should take a break and start refreshing your mind. Getting bored in writing and finding good new ideas is a common thing for some writers. So, you better stay calm, because it's not only you who experience this, I also experience it very often, maybe because I'm still a beginner. lol

For writers, feeling like this is a phase due to boredom and exhaustion that occurs. If that is indeed case for you, you should apply tips that I have done, so that your writing mood will return to good and you can find new ideas.

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  • Don't force writing

Good writing usually results from a relaxed mind and a good mood that you are feeling. If at one time you find it difficult to find a good mood that causes your writing ideas to get stuck, then you should not force yourself to write. If you insist on writing, the results will not be optimal and can make your writing mood erratic, things like this will definitely result in less than optimal writing.

Enjoying coffee and joking with friends is my way of dealing with boredom

If this is happening to you, then the best thing you should do is take a break. Take a break to refresh your mind. It could be that you need a new atmosphere, you can go relax or enjoy company of those closest to you, you don't have to go to luxurious and beautiful places. Sometimes joking and laughing with people closest to you can restore your mood to a better condition.

  • Find center of the problem and immediately find a solution

There is no smoke if there is no fire, same goes for those of you who are running out of ideas for writing. Trick is to find out center of problem that causes you confusion to determine idea in writing.

It could be that problems you are experiencing in your daily life can affect your writing. For example, you have problems with your partner, family or other problems. After finding center of problem, immediately fix it and find a solution so that you return to concentration in writing, especially finding ideas.

Those are two tips so that you no longer feel confused about finding writing ideas. Writing every day will also make you feel bored quickly, indeed boredom has become human nature. But, we can overcome boredom with other things so that boredom immediately disappears from our minds.

Good luck! Hopefully it can overcome boredom, confusion and be useful for you!

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2 years ago
Topics: Write, Tips


Asemm yah,ngaploud nganu koh.... Jog ndisit kopine Pokoke keep the spirit for nganu

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Force writing never gave me any satisfaction while reading my blogs later on. Every blogger should avoid that.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Writing never easy especially every day with new idea , topic and content. Both tips are valuable and can help us in boredom.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Writing never easy especially every day with new idea , topic and content. Both tips are valuable and can help us in boredom.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You know what I think this is what I needed I've been having witer's block for a while now it's gotten to a point that I just feel like changing my content to travel but that didn't work out so I'm sticking to what I love because as much as it's hard sometimes it's easier to find inspiration

$ 0.01
2 years ago

We should give a break with our mind so that we can be very productive in our daily life with writing, rest is needed to write more.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes there are times that we felt like that. You're right, sometimes we need time to relax until we can find encouragement to write again.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I often write in a state of mind that is not relaxed, sir, so the results of my articles are less than optimal. ha ha ha

$ 0.01
2 years ago