Highway markings, do you know about meaning and function?

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2 years ago
Topics: Safety, Riding, Driving, Road

Safety on highway is supported by various factors, one of which is order and discipline of vehicle drivers in obeying and obeying traffic rules. How to be obedient and orderly? Yes, of course, you must first understand and understand these rules. One thing that must be known by motorists is road markings.

Road marking equipment

Road marking is a sign that is on road surface or above road surface which includes equipment or signs that form longitudinal lines, transverse lines, oblique lines and other symbols that function to direct traffic flow and limit traffic interest areas.

When we cross highway, of course we will find and see road markings. Sometimes shape and color of the road markings are different from one another. Some are in the form of a complete straight line, a dotted line to a circle. Each of these markers of course has a different function and meaning.

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If we want to drive safely, then we must understand the meaning of existing road markings. Lack of knowledge about road markings can lead to unwanted events when driving, such as accidents and getting a ticket for violating road markings.

A road marking is a sign on road surface that serves to direct traffic flow and limit traffic interest areas. Road markings have various forms, some form straight lines, longitudinal lines, transverse lines to form oblique lines.

Road marking process

Function of road markings is to regulate traffic, warn or guide road users when there is traffic. In general, road markings can be in form of equipment or signs. Road signs usually consist of white, red, yellow or other colors.

White road markings and several yellow shapes state that traffic users are obliged to follow orders or prohibitions according to their form. Usually states in form of roadside warnings and lane or lane dividing markers.

Furthermore, yellow road markings state that road users are prohibited from stopping in that area. Usually this warning sign is in form of a triangle on left side of road and a yellow square marking. Red road markings indicate a need or special sign. This marking is usually used in school safety zones, special stop spaces for motorbikes and special bus lanes.

How about your knowledge of road markings? If you still don't understand function and purpose of road markings, then check out my next article! I will discuss meaning and function of road markings that we always find when we drive on the highway.

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Avatar for qheer92
2 years ago
Topics: Safety, Riding, Driving, Road


All the traffic rules are made for person safety and protection. I am knowing them in detail for the 1st time. Thank you for sharing

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Yeah right, to maintain driver safety and minimize accidents while driving.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is very important for us to know about road markings, straight line road markings without a break indicate that we are not allowed to overtake and keep driving on one-way roads, and white dotted line road markings indicate that we can overtake and go in the opposite direction, but for Mrs. -Mothers often do not know about these road markings which causes them to have traffic accidents, because they do not know the road markings and the dangers that exist on the highway.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Hahaha mothers are queens of the streets, so she can use the road as she pleases. lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha, I found it everyday but. I am not understand the meaning of the road marking lines, which I know is only for lane separators. lol

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Hahaha. Now you know little function of that line.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh, I see. good information sir. maybe the driver will ugal-ugalan in way if there is no marking, sir. Hihi

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Yes you right sir, mulane si de sogi garis men ora srobodan.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh, so that's the function, I know the white marking, sir, if it's long, it means we can't overtake, if it's dashed, we can go ahead, that's all I know. Hehe

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Hahaha SIMe nembak yah pak? Wkwkwk

$ 0.00
2 years ago