Family time is precious time

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2 years ago
Eating with family is also a good family time

Family time or time with family is a moment when you and your family members do activities together. Behind this moment, there are a myriad of benefits, both for you, your partner, and your children.

Tired of dealing with work on weekdays may make you want to spend weekend lazing all day. However, sometimes you have to use your weekends to catch up on unfinished work. Even so, it would be nice if you could spend the weekend to do family time.

Family time doesn't always mean you have to go out and spend a lot of money. There are many activities at home that you can do with family members, such as cooking, reading books, growing crops in your yard, or watching movies together.

Chatting and drinking coffee or tea with my family is also a family time that I often do.

During family time, you can exchange stories and experiences with other family members, children and partner. This can make your family relationship closer and warmer. Remember, key to a harmonious family relationship is good communication.

It's not impossible that busy work or taking care of children can reduce time with your partner. Family time can be an opportunity to spend time with your partner so that your relationship remains harmonious.

Harmonious parental relationship can build a harmonious relationship also between family and children. This is because children will take an example from the way parents communicate and interact with one another.

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If you are dizzy with a pile of work at home or at the office, family time can be a time to release fatigue from daily activities. Through this moment, you can let yourself laugh out loud with your children and partner.

Although it looks simple, laughing happily with your family can reduce stress and depression, boost your immune system, and is good for heart health. So, come on, take time to have fun with your family. Because children like to imitate their parents, you need to be a good role model for them. Well, you can use family activities as a means to teach good things to children.

For example, when you and your partner take your child to grow crops in the garden, you can teach him how to love plants. When you ask your partner to get something for you, set an example for your child on how to ask for a good favor and how to respect others by saying 'thank you'.

When parents take time to do family time, children will feel loved and cared for by parents. If on normal days you often allow your child to play alone with their toys, you can use family time to play with your child and find out what activities he likes.

As children get older, children's feelings and behavior also develop, especially children who are already teenagers. This may cause the child to sometimes feel confused about what he is feeling or what he really needs to do.

Moment to eat together is a family time that we often do

Family time can be a place for children to open up and express their feelings, express complaints, or ask things they don't understand. However, parents also need to be open so that their children do not feel embarrassed to do this.

Family time can teach children to learn to be confident and socialize with their environment. If child is accustomed to establishing healthy communication with his parents, it is hoped that later he will have no difficulty making friends outside the home.

Family time is a simple thing, but full of benefits. So, try to always make time for your family, children and partner, even to chat or share a laugh together. If possible, make time for family time every day, not just on weekends. Even if it's only 30 minutes, it's enough to build a better relationship with your partner and child.

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2 years ago


The golden Underrated activity which can make bonds stronger in family and it's the best treatment of everyone from stress. Being in company of family is a great feeling. If you have a family like that nearby or you live with them. Find time to make weekend or monthly meet-ups.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Nek my family ngumpul yo kalo enek acara wae. Soale kabeh super sibuk wkwkwk.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Time to gather with family is a very precious and very enjoyable time, but I don't have a life partner yet, so I haven't been able to have a new family. Ha ha ha

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Family time is one of the best! I love to be with my family and have a good laugh together. So heartwarming

$ 0.02
2 years ago