Enjoy soup when weather is not friendly

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1 year ago
Topics: Meal, Soup, Healthy

Soup is known to have various health benefits, especially when weather is uncertain. Surely enjoying hot soup will provide many good effects for our bodies. This type of food can be consumed to support healing of diseases, such as sore throat, cough, and flu.

Soup can also be used as a food choice that is enjoyed everyday. You can use different ingredients and vegetables to enjoy this delicious meal according to your taste. By eating soup that contains nutritious ingredients, you indirectly provide adequate intake of minerals, vitamins and nutrients for the body.

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Soup is a source of vitamins which is an important nutrient intake for maintaining a healthy body. Therefore, you can enjoy various health benefits by consuming soup.

Benefits of soup that can be directly felt by everyone is to provide a warm feeling for body. So, you can make soup as an appetizer that can warm your stomach. Many also recommend eating broth soup if you want to relieve diarrhea. Salt content in soup can help body absorb more water, so it can meet body's needs for fluids lost during diarrhea.

Soups rich in high-fiber vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, long beans, peas and lentils have been shown to improve your digestive system. Soup rich in fiber can also increase body's insulin sensitivity. So, fiber-rich soup can help reduce risk of diabetes, and be a good food choice for diabetic patients.

Maybe there are many more benefits of consuming soup, I will not be able to describe one by one in my article. Better now we make some soup and come eat with me. Here weather is raining so it would be very appropriate if now I enjoy soup. lol

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1 year ago
Topics: Meal, Soup, Healthy


That food looks symptoms. Soup is actually great, most especially when it is on a cold weather that you took it.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Sawi putih di soup atau tumis mantul di santap saat cuaca hot atau cool...sayur ini saya lebih suka tanpa nasi..

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Iku obat loro weteng sing paling manjur kang wkwkwk..

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Indeed soup contains lots healthy nutrients that aid in overcoming seasonal infection like cough and flue.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This is so true. Soup is best enjoyed especially if the weather is bad. Just like last week, there was a storm so my mom prepared a delicious soup for us. And I can tell you that it really brings comfort and warmth to the body. Another typhoon is about to come into our country, I hope it doesn't bring too much disaster.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yummy yummy the food looks delicious Enjoy it well my friend

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Soups are my saviours in winter season. They give taste to my tongue during cough and cold.

$ 0.00
1 year ago