Comb, in addition to styling hair there is also a healthy hair effect

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1 year ago
Topics: Justwrite, Comb, Health, Story

It seems that almost everyone in millennial era has used a tool known as comb. However, when did this tool begin to be used by inhabitants of earth? It turns out that combs have been used since 5,500 years ago. At that time Ancient Egyptians already used a comb.

In early period of its appearance, combs were made using several materials. For example, rest of bone or wood. There are even combs made using tusks or turtle shells. However, this has been challenged over time because it is detrimental to animals and is also easily broken if dropped. Use of combs at that time was more intended for consideration of benefits that can be obtained. Like a wooden comb, which until now is believed to be beneficial for health of hair roots.

It turns out that when combing hair, a wooden comb also provides massage on scalp. It is thought to improve blood flow and nourish hair roots. Wide wooden comb is also unattractive and does not break our hair.

However, existence of a comb in past was not only used to treat hair but also as a marker of one's social strata in society. During ancient Chinese civilization, combs were used as a sign of social class.

Around the 1800s, plastic combs were made and until now majority of combs are made of wood and plastic. Comb itself is designed to separate tangled hair follicles and arrange them more neatly. Although it looks same, actually comb has various functions that vary in use depending on need, for this hairdresser is the master.

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In general, there are three types of combs that are widely used. First hair comb, which is used to organize and style hair. Two decorative combs. This comb is used as a hair decoration but not for styling hair, this decorative comb was popular in the 1930s to 1940s. Third, there is a lice comb, this comb is usually used to look for parasites in our hair, such as lice.

Well, that's the short story about the comb, although it is simple and some even have a small size, this object has benefits for humans. One thing that should not be forgotten, is to never lend comb to others so as not to contract lice and hair dirt and clean comb when it starts to look dirty. Don't forget to always comb your hair so it doesn't fall apart! lol

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1 year ago
Topics: Justwrite, Comb, Health, Story


The importance of comb being well mentioned. Usually I don't give much importance to these things. My sons uses wooden comb, for health benefits he says. Nice to know it massages the scalp.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Combing a hair has a benefits sir. I love combs that was really soft to hair. I love collecting combs sir.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

gak ada sisir kerep mas

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Nek aku nganggo sisir nek rambut ku wes mulai dowo kang wkwkwk. Nek sisir sing tak kanggo kui sing rapet untune. Tapi udu sisir kutu.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Wkwkw, koyone saiki wes ga onok sisir kutu kang, cah cilik saiki yo wes do ngerti sampo gak koyo mbien ko.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Malahan onok sisir kutu sing wesi kang untune. Soale ponakan ku saiki kutuan hehe.

$ 0.00
1 year ago