Chilli sauce, spicy one that is very rich in vitamins and minerals

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1 year ago
Topics: Food, Spicy, Healthy

When you eat a bowl of meatballs or chicken soup, it's incomplete if you don't add a few tablespoons of chili sauce. For some people, chili is a must-have addition at every meal. I am one of chili lovers, I will be more excited to eat when there is chili on food menu that I will enjoy. Meanwhile, for people who don't like spicy food, sometimes eating a little chili sauce can make your tongue feel hot and burn. Although sometimes it makes your stomach hurt if you eat too much, there are many benefits of chili sauce that you need to know.

Sambal is a complementary food made from crushed chilies and tomatoes. Although sometimes it can cause of stomach pain for some people, chili sauce has many health benefits.

There are thousands of types of chili in this world. Although types are different, in general chili has same nutritional content, for example green chilies. Green chilies contain small amounts of calories, sugar, carbohydrates and fat. Interestingly, green chilies do not contain cholesterol so they are safe for your blood fat levels.

In addition, combination of chili and tomatoes in chili sauce contains high levels of vitamin C and vitamin A. These two types of vitamins cannot be produced by the body, so you need to take both from food. One of them is chili sauce.

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There are many benefits of chili sauce that you get in terms of the vitamin C content in it. Vitamin C in chili sauce can increase metabolic processes in body, accelerate wound healing, and maximize iron absorption. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that can counteract free radicals that enter the body. Vitamin C from food is also needed to maintain healthy skin, teeth and bones.

Red fruits such as tomatoes and red chilies also contain carotenoids or vitamin A which is good for body. Vitamin A has anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties that can protect DNA to stay healthy. In fact, for those of you who have low blood pressure, eating chili sauce can help increase blood pressure.

You may not think that one benefits of chili sauce can help relieve pain in body. Benefits of this chili sauce come from capsaicin content in chilies. Capsaicin is active chemical compound in chili peppers that gives it a hot and spicy sensation. However, capsaicin in chili peppers also has analgesic properties that can help relieve pain in body.

Content of capsaicin in chili sauce also has a positive impact in warding off cancer cells. Although process is not clearly known, experts believe that capsaicin can increase apoptosis, which is process of death of cells that are not needed by body, including cancer cells.

In addition, antioxidant content in chilies not only counteracts free radicals, but also prevents growth of cancer cells in body. However, experts still need further research and analysis to prove it.

Although there are many benefits of chili that you can get, this does not mean that you can eat chili as you want. Instead of being healthy for body, eating too much chili can backfire on your own health.

Eating too much chili sauce can reduce tongue's ability to taste other flavors. Especially for those of you who have an ulcer, eating chili sauce can also increase stomach acid which makes the stomach feel sore and hot.

You may occasionally eat chili sauce, but pay attention to portion and understand your own body's capabilities. If your stomach starts to feel hot and sore, reduce portion of sambal for a while. Immediately consult a doctor if stomach pain does not go away.

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1 year ago
Topics: Food, Spicy, Healthy


I love spicy food I can't eat any food that doesn't have enough chillis in it. Thank for the health benefits, I never knew that chill could contain such amount of nutrients.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Irung buntet pas pilekan Iki obat paten kang wkwkwk. Mampu menyembuhkan segala penyakit hahaha.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Hahaha opo meneh lek onok sing kuah kuah, waah tambah cepet mari.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I do like chili sauce too. I add to almost every meal :)

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I can eat whole chili, also foods seasoned with it are so delicious, you want to crave for more actually - rice!

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I learned from this article. I know already about the benefits of chillis and what are things we should be aware. I love spicy foods my friend.

$ 0.01
1 year ago