Boiled peanuts, a snack that makes it difficult for my mouth to stop chewing

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1 year ago

Many people certainly have the habit of snacking. Especially those who are working at home or doing all the activities at home, snacks seem to be a necessity that must exist. When we chat and enjoy warm drinks, it will definitely feel more delicious if there are snacks that accompany warm drinks. Ranging from salty, savory or sweet, snacks can be a boredom repellent.

Well, one of snacks that Indonesians often like, and one of my favorite snacks is eating boiled peanuts. If you have eaten boiled peanuts, it feels like our mouths don't want to stop chewing. Have you experienced anything like that too?

Price of peanuts is still cheap and method of making is also very easy, all you have to do is buy peanuts at traditional market, no need to wait to plant your own. You can already enjoy savory and soft boiled peanuts. Although there are actually other processing techniques. For example, roasted, baked and many others. But in my opinion easiest and healthiest is to boil it.

There is no special trick to make boiled peanuts, just clean beans that you have bought from traditional market and boil them for about thirty minutes. Don't forget to add a little salt to give boiled peanuts a slightly salty taste when they are cooked.

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Not only tasty and delicious, benefits of boiled peanuts are also good for health. It is known that boiled peanuts are peanuts that are boiled and then added a little salt to strengthen taste. Boiled peanuts are choice of many people because of their savory taste and soft texture. But so far, many do not know benefits of this peanut. In fact, benefits of boiled peanuts are more fantastic than we thought.

Peanuts contain Vitamin E, Vitamin B and Riboflavin. This content can prevent skin wrinkles and help brighten facial skin. So often consuming boiled peanuts is very good for maintaining health of your skin to make it look more youthful.

For people with diabetes, peanuts are good for consumption, because they can lower blood sugar levels. From various sources that I read, peanuts contain manganese which can absorb fat and is very rich in vegetable protein. Because it can absorb fat, peanuts are also a good snack when dieting.

But, you will only get this benefit when you enjoy it in proportionate amounts, proportionate size I recommend should be enough for one plate per day so as not to cause adverse effects for our bodies.

So, you should enjoy boiled peanuts to taste. Do not let you enjoy one kilogram of boiled beans for one meal. Cases like this often occur because appeal of boiled peanuts is truly extraordinary. Once you eat it will be difficult to stop chewing, it looks like boiled peanuts wave to be enjoyed. lol

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1 year ago


Yeah, you are very right, most times when we are at home we always want to eat something, it's really difficult when there is nothing to eat, boiled peanut is a good one, I like it too.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

I think this is the season of this peanut because here in my area people are selling it everyday. But I don't really like chewing it though it is good.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Di kancani karo kopi wes wenak e pol kang wkwkwk

$ 0.02
1 year ago

I love boiled peanuts my friend. It's one of my favorite snacks during afternoon. I love the taste. We always boiled peanuts when I was still in the province.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

I find it refreshing having a nut to chew. Don't you think life would be boring without nuts?

$ 0.02
1 year ago

haha, if you want more nuts . come to my house. here a lot of nuts. Hahaha basically this snack makes us paralyzed. lol

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Tes panen apa rika?

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1 year ago