Why i forced my Self to Learn About Crypto.(PART 1)

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Avatar for qheen_am
2 years ago

Hello blessed Sunday to all.Hope you have a good weekend.

Have you read my previous article? If not.. you should read it first hahah .Its a 3minute waste of your time ..joke! hehehe.Its about my 2nd win on Twitter up to 5th win.

Ill tell you a story about my 6th win on Twitter GA.


Inever imagined winning on this Host because she really got a thousand followers .Iwon at LadyCryptonic giveaway last year July 17,2021.

Happy now have that notif again...
She send it right away after asking for my BSC Wallet

Iwon $100 at her.Imso happy coz ineed to buy a glasses for son that time.Ialso need to buy diaper and milk for my kids. And for my husbands medication .My husband was still ok that time. He is not a dialysis patient yet.But he is taking alot of maintenance and medicine for his kidney.

That time I still dont know how to trade it to peso...But their is one friend that iknow and he usually helped me to convert it to peso...We met each other in Noise.cash.He is always kind to me and He always share if he knew something where we can earn via mining or giveaways.

I'll send it to him via crypto wallet and he will send to me via Gcash or Coins.ph..

Ifelt comfortable and i really TRUST him alot because he always helped me many times already .I message him and asked again for his help to encash my $100 winnings.And isaid iwill share alittle bit of it to him for his daughter.

IItold him to buy a diaper for his baby that time ..Isaid to him that im sorry if thats only ican give because he knew that idont got a job and i only relaying on joining on these giveaway to provide my families need.Isend it to Him right away..


After I send it to his wallet..and chat a little .He didnt reply after that..I just let him be..ididnt spam messaging him because that time he was busy drinking with his friends.And i dont want to bother him so much..

Same time happened..Icheck on our group chat on telegram and their topic was that the.site that they earning money was cannot opened anymore. They said they have been scammed. .Iknew that my friend invested too on that site. so i told him too about that but no response.

Hours passed by.but he still not responding. I never doubted him because of our friendship..I.felt worried that time because i though something might happened to him while drinking.Because he told me that they have a visitor that time that he doesnt like the attitude .Idont know specific what happened after that .But i just thought that maybe they had a commotion or fight on their party.

A day after that..Itried to call.him many times.but still no answer even thru text.

Finally ...He answered me after 2days.

(iwill not post a screenshot here ...)

He said sorry if he didnt reply to me because he was ashamed to talk to me .He said he dont know to start talking to me because of what happened to him

(I felt nervous when he message me this)

He said that he has been scammed by this mining site.Theyre using that site almost amonth already .. I read about that site on our group chat many times..but i dont have a interest on it because you have to invest. And i dont have a money for that.

That site name is MUYAN66.

You can search on Google about this Scam...

He said when i sent the $100 to him...He was on that site checking his investment..And He said they had a promo that if you invest money they will give it back to you by 30% or 50%..(cannot recall )It as higher than their last offer.. ..He admitted that has been tempted.. He trust the site because they are using these site for almost a month.And they harvested many times already so he felt comfortable investing on it...

But this is not what i expected to tell me...

(to be continued...)

$ 0.06
$ 0.04 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @Zyrel04
$ 0.01 from @ajlove14
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Avatar for qheen_am
2 years ago


Hindi ko pa alam yan,wala pako sa bch world nang time na yan hahaha,hintayin ko karugtong sis

$ 0.00
2 years ago

inatyin mo ate maiiyak ka char hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Abangan ko talaga yan hehehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

ayan na talaga muyan pala yun nakalimutan ko kasi hahahah

$ 0.00
2 years ago

mulhang kailangan ko mdin kalimutan ahhaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago