What if's and Maybe's

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2 years ago

Making an article is a struggle for me...Coz i admit,im not that intelligent or witty ,or had a wide vision to see things .Im not that person who had a inspirational mindset lol.But ijust wanna thanks some people here at read.cash and noise.cash who appreciated my article even though it had a very low quality article .hehe

There is some things that comes to my mind while im trying my self to sleep.

My What If's and Maybe's in Life

⭕First what if I got a perfect family and my parents are still together?

💔Maybe my life is better? Because my parents are there for us?.They work for our needs...we will be guided until we finished our studies.Maybe we didnt need to make ourselfs live with other people,pleasing other people.Maybe this is the reason why icannot completely open myself to my parents until now. Because i blamed to all the struggles ive been through when i was a kid to them.maybe we are still living together.

Please dont judge me or say "i should forgive them. and whatever happens they are still my parents" ..iAlready knew that..and i already forgave them.🙃Im just saying my point of view if they never got separated.

⭕What if ididnt ran away from home at the age of 14?

🙃Maybe im already in prison hahaah.Maybe i already killed my cousin who molested and tried to rape me..Yes i ran away from home because of him..Ihad no where to go😶

⭕What if i didnt ran away and let things happen?

🤔Maybe i finished studying,Maybe i finish my college and had a degree?

Educated but not happy.Coz iknew im devastated inside.

Maybe im at work now and had a meeting? eheheh.

⭕What If ididnt met my ex partner before where would i be now? (My eldest son's Father)

🤔Maybe im working now abroad, Maybe im still in Japan ? im sure i had a family too and married to my bestfriend Japanese..Iwonder how is Hiroshi now lol.

⭕What if I stayed to my Korean ex boyfriend and never went abroad?

😏Maybe im still a hard drinker? hahaha

Maybe i still have a 1 son because that korean doesnt like to have kids because he said he dont like to have responsibility .He is afraid of marriage life.. Yes ihad a oppa before.lol But not your typical oppa that is young and very handsome lol

⭕What if we didnt get through Pandemic?

🤔Maybe im still a online seller and still doing Live selling of bags.This pandemic made me stopped coz no one is buying my bags already that time .whos gonna buy a bag when they are just at home? heheeh.

There are more what if's thats running to my mind. ...but im gonna end it here... Becaue ithink my depression is atacking me again because of my own topic...

Iremembered all the past...iremembered some of my not so good memories and bad people from the past..

How about u? do u also have what if's and Maybe's in life?

Thanks for reading my article...Hope you all had a goodday.

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Avatar for qheen_am
2 years ago


I have a lot of what if's in my life sis... napakadami.. langya din naman ang pinsan grabe ha, dapat siya ang pinalayas nyo

$ 0.01
2 years ago

mama nya ksi ngpapaaral sakin ..kaya nd sya ang pwde palayasin hahaha..nd nila alam un until now ..ako at kpatid q lng nkakaalam

$ 0.00
2 years ago

ay awiiit nga...hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

ang hrap makisama...haahha

$ 0.00
2 years ago