Rainy days ,And My List of Ilokano Comfort Food.

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2 years ago

It has been raining for a few days due to typhoon Agaton. The number of people affected and killed by mudslides and floods has increased. I hope our government will help them immediately so that they can get back to life.Let's pray that no more typhoon will come .

Anyways,Isnt good to eat your favorite comfort food specially when its raining?Ofcourse with your barehands🤤.And with a hot chocolate drink or a cup of coffee?

Do you also have a good memories that you remember every time it rains or theres a typhoon? I remembered my youth days. I also grew up with my grandmothers place in the province. Every time it rains there is really nothing to eat because my grandmother cannot work on farm because of their Rheumatism keeps attacking on cold days.So to help them , we -her grandchildren are looking for something to eat. To make it short when it rains all ican remember is food, food ,food 😂

Being a Ilokano you really should now how to eat this kind of food specialy veggies .Because ilokano mostly eat anything haha.And you should know how to eat bagoong isda or Fish paste.Fish paste usually the main ingredients of ilokano dish.

When it rains like this, my cousins and I go to the rice field to gather some mushroom that grew on some piles of hay. You just have to dig because sometimes they are hiding underneath those hay. Imagine we have to check those pile of hay as many as we can.If we got alot of these we also sell it our neighbor for 20 pesos per bag.We call this UONG in Ilokano.

This is what it looks like ,a mushrooms that u can get from the piles of hay.100percent edible
mouth watering huahh really missing the old days.These are the usual style of cooking with mushroom we just boiled it with moringga leaves or you can mix it with some saute veggies or dinengdeng.

If you're lucky, you can catch a farm frog..in raining season.But usually you can only catch these farm frog at night time ..Thats the only time they come out from those holes from.the mud. Yes, it's a delicious you can cook it with soup (Tinola style ) ,Adobo or it can be or just simply fried .

you will feel guilty when you look at them...so just dont look at them lol

When its raining even we are just a kid we really crave for coffee too..but becaus we dont have a money.We just make way to have a coffee ahhhaha. We burn some rice on a pan..and when it became color black we just put it in a kettle with a water. Bring them to boil with sugar. The we use a strainer to remove the burnt rice grains and voilaa we have a special kind of coffee haha.

Plus we usually put rice on our coffee in the morning.Yes thats our typical breakfast hehehe.

Oh how imiss the smoke of these kind of stove that uses alot of wood sticks.

I remembered my grandmother used to tell us that this can cure some stomach diseases ,that its good for our health.But my uncle said its not true he said she just said that so you guys wont complain and asked for real coffee hahaha

Or we gather some banana from our backyard.My grandfather had alot of banana tree planted at the back of their house.We also dip these on fish paste if there is no sugar available.

got this pic on google 🤣

Or we just asked on our neightbor for a Saluyot or Jute leaves. We usually cook it Paksiw style.Cook with vinegar ,garlic and salt . And sometimes we cook it with bamboo shoots and grilled fish.That is another style of dinengdeng.

yes maybe its not look appetizing but if are an okra lover or paksiw lover youll definetly like this

Blanched katuray flower is one of my favorite ,it got a sweet taste and it blends erfectly with with fish paste . Ithink the last time i ate these iwas only at 6th grade. Inever see these on market here in Manila.

Katuray salad 💕ccto huhu

And ofcourse this is one of the basic crops that we had at the backyard.Kamote.How about some kamote tops .Just a blanch and boom perfect partner with Bagoong isda with some kalamansi and chili

If only its not pandemic iwill definately visit them.I really missed those simple and quiet life at the province..very low maintenance. You can just gather food around you ..You just have to be resourceful and got a courage to ask some crops on you neighbor lol.All of this reminds me of hardship that ive been throught before .Now icall them my comfort food hehe.

There are still alot more ilokano food that ididnt included here .And most of them i didnt got a chance to eat for a very long time.My cousin keeps on sending me some pics of their dish everyday to tease me lol.

Thanks gain for reading my article.Ihope you try some of these food soon.

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2 years ago


Ang sasarap naman niyan sis,nadistract ako s frog hehehe naalala ko tuloy noong dati ng inuman kami mga katropa ko yan ang ginawang pulutan pinirito,sarap ng kain ko akala ko manok noong ni reveal nila na frog halos dukutin ko na yung loob ng tiyan ko para mailabas hahahaha,that was my first and last na kumain ng farm frog

$ 0.00
2 years ago

parang manok db po...hahahah diko pa nasama dito ung dagang bukid hahahah ..nascam naman aq mga pinsan ko dun..hahah inadobo din nla...srap na srap ako ..nung huli sabi daga ..halos ilang araw aq di kumain hahahaa . lgi ko ksi naaalala hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahahaha ganon din sakin,kaya minsan pag nag inuman bihira ako mamulutan ng karne,mas gusto ko pa shitserya hehehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

nako ako nman nd q bet ang chips or chichirya ksi nalalasan ko ng bongga ung vetsin. ung after taste nasusuya aq haha

$ 0.01
2 years ago