Dialysis x Pnemonia

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Avatar for qheen_am
2 years ago

Expect the unexpected.

As what is happening to our family right now ,because of my husband's condition ... My faith is really challenging me... But Lord .. iwill never ever giveup on you...Iwill never doubt your plans... Iknow you will not allow this to happen to us if you know that we cannot make it through...But please Lord...Give him more years to be with us...Icannot do this alone...with three kids? idont know if Ican make it if we lost him...please

My husband was on the hospital and got admitted again since..April 12,2022 . It was his dialysis session and he almost finished that 4 hours sitting on that machine when suddenly the dialysis machine beeps and the nurse noticed that his.blood is leaking again on he tip of catheter tube . because the catheter on his neck accidently got removed ,we dont know exactly what happen but when the Doctor tried to check him he really insisted that my husband need to be admitted as soon as posiible because he heard noise on my husbands chest and back part of his body.

"Pneumonia...He had Pnemonia"Doctor said.."and he has to admitted so we an inject him some Antibiotic and we have to stablize his oxygen level because itS very low...And his Hemoglobin too...We will observe until tommorow if he really need a bag of blood for transfusion.Right now he have to stay here ."Doctor said.

Iwas shocked when he chatted me again that he had to be admitted that day..we didnt expect this..cOz i already prepared his stuff that i usually prepare after coming home..wet towels,alcohol and clothes.And my inlaws brought his stuff right away at the hospital.

Getwell soon daddy...🤧

His antibiotic .

Being a Dialysis patient is really hard.. .I feel sorry for him when he is not feeling well.When he start coughing ,it sounds super dry ,its nonstop he said he almost pee on his pants ..and he will start panting after that.He cant sleep again this passed few days.. He cant sleep because his acid makes him uncomfortable to lie down and it will make him cough again.. He is always no appetite too.. he keeps on loosing weight... He feels tired always .He can barely breath even he just came from the toilet... which is just a few steps only from our room...

He is still on dialysis 3x a week.. Tuesday,Thursday and Saturday..

He really need to watch his water intake.

Strictly 1 Liter of water only per day.That includes also the soup from his food.This make him really frustrate...This one he cant really follow..But i told him... to please listen to us. This is the only way he can help us too ...To not to be Pasaway🤦🏻‍♀

He also need to watch what he eats..He cant eat food ,vegetables or fruit that high in pottasium and phosporus that includes banana,mangoes ,seafoods aNd alot more..Yes its hard to prepare a food that he cant eat and also we cant eat at the same time...

He is a dialysis patient for ithink 3 months now.But his body is still adjusting to his situation right now.

He doenst like to considere taking a kidney transplant because they said it will only last for 5years... and its very very expensive ..yes we dont have that kind of money too.

Because of his situation ,idont knkw how cant i help them..ifeel so useless just staying here at home , just taking care of them ..i still do online selling but its really not making a profit now.Thats why im trying crypto and about NFT ,ijoin on some airdrop praying it will cost something in the future .

I also post my husband situation Last February i think? Some people at Noise.cash really gave their help , and also on telegram..Im so thankful to those people..I pray that the Lord will bring back it to you all of your help 10folds.Because of the BCH that they gave me.Iwas able to bought a reclyning chair that really helped him to sleep at nigh because he cannot sleep lying on his back anymore.

This is his bed since that day... But whe he saw that i bought this for him.Instead of being thankful He got mad at me .Why did u bought me that. blah blah blah...

ijust said to him.."if you dont like that.. iwill just sell it. " that all isaid and i cried because i felt he didnt appreciate my effort.But then he chat me after an hour..he said he was sorry . he said he just dont want me to buy stuff for him because he was shy to me and he know i dont have money anymore..

Thanks for reading my dramatic article..i feel relief when writing my feelings...Godbless you all and always take care of your health.

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$ 0.06 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for qheen_am
2 years ago


Nakakaiyak sis sana guamling na asawa mo sis,lakasan mo loob mo sis may awa ang diyos

$ 0.00
2 years ago

slamat siss...dko. din alam ano gagawin ko...tahimik kng ksi aq..nd aq.pla post o palasabi s mga kakilala ko...isip q ksi my mga knya knya din silang problema

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Dito sis pwede mo mailabas yan para kahit paano mkaluwag sa dinadalang bigat sa dibdib mo

$ 0.00
2 years ago

kaya nga po. nkakagaan lng din po na my masasabhan ka bigat ng nraramdaman po tlga..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

sana gumaling na husband mo sis😢 nakakalungkot, pero kaya niyo yan.. Malalampasan nyu din ang pagsubok sa inyo.. Pray lang palagi

$ 0.00
2 years ago

sna nga po sis . dko alam minsn ano pwde ko gawin para mkatulong ...sna mgmilagro...gumaling at bumalik sya sa dati

$ 0.00
2 years ago