Diary 11/11/2021 when you go out with a little boy

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2 years ago

Dear diary, it is time to tell you what happened last day.

This day was full of fun and troubles. Here in my country Black Friday started and I ordered some things for presents for the children and for us, also I was waiting to come the right hour and to make my order in Alliexpress. I've become a fan of the Alli stuff, I order the craziest things that I met from there.

So, the first package had to come on 11/11 - nice ha? It came a truck for the little one. Nice. It was around 11 so we had time to go out. We haven't gotten out of the house for a week because the weather was bad.

I decided to go and to buy some yarns and to make a present for my niece. She likes Mini mouse so I am going to make a present for her with a crochet Mini mouse. It was a real adventure to go to the shop. It is close, like 15 minutes when you go alone and 1 hour and 15 minutes when you do with a toddler. I had to bring that 12 kilograms boy almost to the shop because he was too shy to walk - WTF.

Then the fun started. We went into the shop. He saw so many colors and balls of yarn so he wanted them all! There was a wall with boxes with different colors of yarn balls. He started picking and throwing them on the ground. The colors that he liked he put on the counter. He throws about 5 balls before I notice him. The shop assistant was searching on another wall with boxes to find my order.

I put them back on the wall. Then he decided to take a walk around the shop with the shop assistant... he loves blond ladies ... all ages... from 2 to 92 - it depends how fast they run...

I paid for everything and just push him to go out - you feel the hysteria, crying, and screaming right?

Then we had to go and buy some bread and some stuff for his breakfast the next day...

Same disaster. He knew the shop and just vanished. I found him in a pile of pasta packages, boxes of sugar and flour. Thank God for they were well packed and there were no ghosts in the shop(my son in a flour). We paid and we went home.

These were the longest 2 hours in my life. I got more muscles because I was carrying him - I told you - the shy guy, I bought some yarns and... I forgot to buy the silicone filling for the toy. Well, soon we have to go again to that shop...

$ 1.70
$ 1.67 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @Lovelyfaith
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2 years ago


Si muy buena anécdota de verdad que ya ganaste más músculo por andar cargando jajaja si que cargaste bastante

$ 0.00
2 years ago