Cryptography:An art of concealing security information

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4 years ago

I would like to thanks @Telesfor for encouraging me to write more articles, it is a pleasure to me to receive a feedback from you sir! Thank you very much! Special mention to @Jdine @Dangerous_Fly @Bitraph @EYERISH687 as i always see you guys improving a lot day by day ❤❤❤❤ and it keeps me inspired to write useful article to help beginners in crypto world ( let us learn together).

Please kindly takes time to read the following :


❤ @Telesfor


We will encounter some words in the box below for continuation to my previous articles. we are going to discuss about Cryptography.

It plays important role to protect users information of every transactions from unsecured network

Cryptography derived from the Greek words

secret message


Ancient Period: 4000 years ago, the oldest known cryptographic evidence started when ancient people learned to develop writing techniques to communicate and transmit their message through codes, pictograph and symbols. The manifestation of concealing message served to protect sensitive information. Stone inscriptions, hieroglyph, cuneiform tablets, clay tablets, the papyrus symbols showing the origin of ciphertext that leads to form of cryptograph idea. The military army and commanders of Spartans used to convey secret communication by means of their invented cipher device.

During medieval period, some Italian citizens were eager to know the secret codes that led into a hard work, practices and study for the improvements and the advancement use of cryptography.

Before and during WWII :The inventions of electromagnetically machines such as Enigma rotor machine an encryption device developed and was used by the German Army to protect military communication . Later on, different cipher system was invented in the most advanced technology along with the evolution of the computer, cryptography became more complex with its algorithms and crypto analysis. It has been very useful to military units and government organizations for security involvement.

Modern Era: Imagine the long journey of this concept, the adaptation of cryptography applied to the encryption of  technology devices and computer data network communications to protect user’s exchange of information through software source such as internet browsers.


The art and science of concealing the messages in secrecy information security of digital communications.

Examples of these are the process of banking and digital money transactions , emails and messaging apps ( messenger, telegram etc.). We are not ignorant that there are certain situation that our privacy can be stolen and tampers by the hacker in any case. Cryptography allows for information to appear useless , unreadable, seamlessly and scrambled data by everyone except the two parties ( sender and receiver)


When you pay using your credit card through online, you input all information in the card to process the transfer of money to the recipient.

1. inputting card information (plaintext) 2. system will change plain text using private key ( encryption ) 3. while processing by online medium, encrypted data will convert into more complex code ( cipher text) 4. then, public key of receiver will unlock the cipher text (decryption) 5. to readable format ( Plaintext)


  • Encryption- it locks /converts message ( plaintext ) into an unreadable message (ciphertext)

  • Ciphertext- the converted message, without the key, it appear to be unreadable to unauthorized person.

  • Decryption- it converts unreadable message (ciphertext) to readable format (plaintext)

I know its quite complicated to understand cryptography without illustration. 👇👇

Eavesdropper is unauthorized person/ it could be a hacker to be exact.

Let us elaborate more and observe the representation 👇👇

Our Master key ( public/ private) is important for encryption and decryption of data that we send / receive. We are also responsible for the security of our own account and information. Cryptography is just a tool for secured communication through unsecured channel. What if an eavesdropper can access your communication channel . What will happen if he alter the message?

Another illustration of this scenario 👇👇

Even an eave can alter the message, it will remain error since encryption and decryption key are shared keys from both parties to access the correct data.

In conclusion:

There are in dept meaning and requires broad knowledge to understand the cryptography system. I just want to share what i have learned about this concept and the importance of secured information we have online. This is very interesting topic for further study . Try to visit this article for more details

That's all for today ^_^

feel free to share with us your idea for this article and write it on then comment section below.

I am just a beginner and a learner at the same time.

#Sharing is Caring -Prey27

July 15, 2020 - 12:51 AM

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Written by
4 years ago


I have no knowledge about cryptocurrency and also cryptography. But I am trying to understand this subject. Your article is good.All the best!!!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you very much more than I can say to you my dear. I just can't believe this. It is a great honour for me dear. Thanks again dear 🥰 God bless you

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow thanks , I have started learning about cryptocurrencies and I have reached cryptography and you have done it as expected .. Thank you .. Drop more if you can

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I got to know and learn some very important information. Thank you

$ 0.00
4 years ago