Should You Write When You Are In Pain?

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2 years ago

"You may not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. You can't edit a blank page."
-Jodi Picoult

If you can offer a piece of wisdom when you are in physical or mental pain, then you are a type of person who could eventually tolerate deep pain in your dark times. A wise man once said that you may not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page, and you cannot edit a blank page.

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Should you write when you are in pain?

Pain could either activate or deactivate us and it is a part of human experience that is very inevitable in a real life setting. Even if you are a master of your own game, you tend to experience feelings of physical or mental pain as you go along the way. But, should you write when you are in pain?

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"Write hard and clear about what hurts."
-Ernest Hemingway

Every writer could always understand the power of deep pain.

Oftentimes, most of the creative pieces of writing comes from a story of deep pain and life sufferings. The power of pain could even move mountains yet the saddest part is changing a person into somebody you do not wish to become in certain instances.

According to Ernest Hemingway, write hard and clear about what hurts. Putting extra doses of pain on a page could add more emotions and feelings to what you are writing, yet when something takes you out of yourself, it may lead you to another story. Professional writers know that through pain, words become melancholic seem to be creative through an imagination crossing beyond the horizon.

When I am in a deep pain, I could hardly get up in bed but I do have great feelings to write from the heart as I strongly convey my extreme emotions from within. Based on my personal experience, I could strongly express every word and I feel like I want to make words alive from sorrow and despair.

Nevertheless, others are more comfortable writing when they have feelings of excitement and happiness. Some may also feel good when they are in the mood and have an inspiration for writing. But regardless of the experience, the reality would always differ for each individuals as everybody is unique. There is no criteria on how to start writing but we could always set goals so we could be a better writer on our own. We are uniquely different yet what is only common is the existence of emotions.

Writing when we are in pain would always depend on our preference. But if we wish to write every day despite our feelings and emotions, it is not every day that we are writing well for whether we like it or not there would be blocks in writing. However, we can do all our best to edit a bad page as how we make things better for ourselves. After all, we could not edit a blank page for we could only edit a draft. We are writers and we could write whatever we want as we share an untold story from within.

In conclusion, each one of us is uniquely different and what is common is our ability to express emotions. What may be working for you may not be totally working for me, and what may be good to a few may not be very good to many. The idea of writing when you are in a deep pain varies from person to person. What is essential is the ability to sublimate pain in writing through the dark times of life without harming yourself as you understand a great power of writing in pain. You can always write but you may not write well every day when something takes you out of yourself. The key is to just write and share an untold story from within.

Thank you for reading. I hope to see you on my next content.

Smiles and wink,


Lead Image by Trent Erwin. Free to use under the Unsplash License.

Disclaimer: This is an original content.

Copyright 2022 by porsche. All Rights Reserved.

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2 years ago


Just want to say thank you for this sharing, we all suffer in different ways but all we can do is to get back and continue living, a have a nice day!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You are welcome Miss Elli. Let us live life happily despite all the pain. Nice to meet you today.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When I'm in pain I write too and it's so easy to write as it's easy to convey what you feel into the words you are typing.

Anyway welcome to the platform, I've read your comments on my previous post.. sorry for not replying just so busy with life. You came a little late but nevertheless I hope you'll enjoy your stay in, enjoy writing!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Same way with me. It seems like its more easier to rhyme the words when in pain. Words just come out and flow naturally.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you eyb. I am glad you are here. Thank you so much for adding significant sharing based on your personal experience about writing in pain. I so appreciate you. Smiles and wink. Have a nice time!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Indeed, when we were in pain writing is just so easy as we can express ourselves through it. And yeah we really can't write well, always.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Writing here makes me happy because I have to chance to meet very friendly people like you Garretth. Thank you for reading my article. I hope we can write well even if we are not fine every day. Thank you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sometimes I feel like writing more on those situations, sometimes I take a break.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There are really those days when we do not feel like writing and it may be related to boredom or any blocks in writing. Glad to meet you here John.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When I was admited to the Hospital last year, due to extreme stomach pain, I wrote about it. I started writing about it while I was in the hospital using only my phone.

Sometimes writing about what we feel, helps us understand it more... end even help to relieve the pain even for just a bit.

Welcome to

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I so agree with your thoughts sir. Yes there is a power of healing through expressing our words when we are in pain. Thank you for sharing your experience and I am glad to meet a wise person like you. Grateful of your warm welcome Sir.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're welcome. I remembered I wrote two articles about my painful experience. Sometimes, pain brings out the creativity of some people...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah agreed, as a matter of fact some artists used to turn their pain into art.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Every writer knows the power of pain in writing but it is a case to case basis marquees for the fact that each one of us is uniquely different and one thing that is only common is emotions. It would always depend on a person on how he or she could sublimated pain when one is undergoing pain. But most of the time, pain could have a great power in writing. Thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas. I appreciate your attention.

$ 0.00
2 years ago