How Does Expressive Writing Help You?

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2 years ago

"Every secret of a writer's soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind, is written large on his works."
-Virginia Woolf

Expression is the language of our soul and every writer gain an own voice through writing. A wise man once said that every secret of a writer's soul, every life experience, and every quality of a writer's mind is written largely on own works.

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How does expressive writing help you?

"Writing is therapeutic. It helps you cope with issues that seem gargantuan at the time. The process of expressing yourself about a problem, editing your thoughts, and writing some more can help you control issues that you face."
-Guy Kawasaki

It is through expressive writing that one can freely write feelings and expressions to build up into words that could heal oneself. Each one of us is facing different life issues and circumstances every day that could include anxiety, depression, stress, and extreme sadness that could probably affect us each day. There may be so many things that could conquer this feelings yet it may feel better when one could heal oneself through self-empowerment. Can you help yourself through writing?

I personally believe that I could heal myself through expressive writing. Being a person who has some trust issues, I usually cope up with my problems and issues in life by my own independently. Even if I have close friends whom I could share my troubles, there are really times that I wanted to be alone. And that I strongly believe that I can help myself through writing and it is indeed therapeutic.

My life is not filled with a bed of roses but it is a a roses that has thorns as every day, I am facing so many struggles not only when it comes to my personal life but as well as coping up with the big world itself. There are even days when I ended up having heavy emotions but I combat this through expression myself through my own thoughts so I could start understand myself and have the need to improve it day by day.

Expressive writing is one of the most wonderful ways to express myself through writing down my thoughts on a blank page or a piece of paper. Whether I am writing a letter for myself or for others, writing and reading again my thoughts actually changes my perspective toward life. And it is a simple way to clear my mind with doubts, fears, and worries. I may not be the best writer, but what is essential to me is the chance to enjoy my writing when I am going through difficulties in life.

Aside from expressing myself through expressive writing, I had the chance to gain more insights as I am having the chance to reflect on something which could possibly change my perspective about any confusion and hardship in life, that is to look into myself, start telling a story, and discover more of my inner self. Perhaps expressive writing can help each one change every sad and depressing thoughts into a beautiful perspective about life that empowers one to enjoy life.

When some days are bad, we could always speak from within through the power of writing. The moment we write about our thoughts, we are changing them into expressions that will be able to help us know more of ourselves as we start to write a story from within. It may be so difficult to express sometimes but when we are staying true to ourselves we could always embrace imperfections. Let write for a goal for changing yourself and changing the world for the better as you conquer every life circumstances.

In conclusion, there is a powerful way to heal ourselves through writing as it is therapeutic in nature. And that expressive writing can always help us change our sad thoughts into a beautiful perspective about life as writing always allows us to make sense on essential things.

Thank you for reading. I hope to see you on my next content.

Smiles and wink,


Lead image by Milada Vigerova. Free to use under the Unsplash License.

Disclaimer: This is an original content.

Copyright 2022 by porsche. All Rights Reserved.

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2 years ago


Never thought that there is such thing as expressive writing; is it an official classification of type of writing and what distinction does it have compared to other kind ot piece of writing? I just thought that when you write, you instantly express your idea. Haha. Please enlighten me tho. By the way, nice context!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Expressive writing is a type of writing wherein one freely expresses thoughts to be relieved from all the burdens and pressures from within. It is my pleasure to share and nice meeting you here jst.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Some people don't know the therapeutic effects of writing, especially when it comes to expressing your thoughts in form of writing. Whenever I write about my thoughts and problems, I always discover something new that will help me solve any problem I have. Expressive writing can go a long way in helping a person think properly, ideas will keep flowing out from your mind as you keep pouring your thoughts in to an article and every thing will become clearer

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Absolutely true, and very well said Kushy. I so love the idea that things are overflowing the moment we start to share our thoughts through writing a story and then later own our minds are changing perspectives that would help us understand more of ourselves. Thanks once again Kushy. I love your username.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Awww 🥰 thanks for loving my username

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Writing is really not my cup of tea, I just discovered that I can write when I discover read. But I also wish to be a writer before. And it's happening now. I never thought that I can do this you know. Doing this, I enjoy it now. Putting all my thought in here and sharing it to everyone, that's the bwst thing too. Truly, writing is really therapeutic.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

But I see you as one of the very good writers here Ruffalo. Perhaps you are the "bubbly writer" I know based on how I read your writings. This platform is really discovering the hidden writer in each user here. What a good platform to display and express thoughts from the heart.

Thank you so much for coming here to express your thoughts about my content. I am truly glad of your presence here. Smiles and winks.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Writing and blogging are good for mental health. It has been helping me since my school days. I recognized the power of blogging much later when LinkedIn opened its writing platform to all members in 2014.

Because of my blogging connections, I was interviewed on a technology bloggers podcast in 2017. The same podcast could also convince for an interview with Guy Kawasaki later.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Good for you Sir because you have discovered blogging earlier. I am into writing in the academe but not in the web actually. And it is only through in this platform when I started publishing articles I never thought I would. Who would have though that I would be publishing my articles now. It was just a dream to be a writer and I am just a simple writer of my own. Glad to hear some inspiring stories from you sir.

So, you personally know Guy Kawasaki. You are truly great of Sir. I am amazed of your achievement being interviewed by technology bloggers. You are doing great anywhere.

In Filipino expression, "How to be you po?" That means how to follow your foot steps and how to be like you.

By the way, thank you for your attention and adding your insights and experiences on my article. Smiles and winks.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

No, I am not personally acquainted with Guy Kawasaki. He replied to my text questions in one of his earlier live streams. He often responds to comments on LinkedIn. The podcast host Neil Hughes convinced Guy Kawasaki for an interview.

Join LinkedIn. and start posting there.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I admit I have not into LinkedIn Sir. I think I really need to acquaint myself with it. This is so interesting to know. By the way, thank you for introducing LinkedIn to me Sir. I have heard it way back in College but I have not really tried.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Just join and create your profile. It won't take much time. LinkedIn's writing interface is easy and feature-rich.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Expressive writings helps me release some stress and sometimes it helps me clear out my bothering mind. And I agree with you, it helps us gets healed.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Glad to hear from you Garrett. It always feel good to write about our thoughts as we healed from within. Thank you for once again my kind friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Writing allow us to think deeper , minding our words carefully resulting to a much better way of communicating your thoughts to somebody. Wether your mad , happy or sad.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Those thoughts catches a glimpse of the reality Grey. Thank you so much for sharing your wise thoughts about expressive writing. Surely you are writing good thoughts here. Glad to meet you today. Greetings from my side.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

No doubt's, most times I do air out my minds, feelings and thoughts when I write. Its always so refreshing when others connect too

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It is always a good feeling to write my thoughts with you wrinkle. Thank you for adding your experiences. And yes I all agree with all of those that it always feel better to air out our minds through starting to write a story and listen from within through our inner self. And of course, it is always a great feeling with you, too. Thank you for your attention. Smiles and wink from Ph with love.

$ 0.00
2 years ago