Stop complaining Beautiful Look beautiful to see !

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2 years ago

When I look around, I see how many dissatisfied people are around me.

Wherever I open, everyone has a complaint and a state of discontent. Television, social media, friend circle etc. etc. etc. It has descended on us like a dark cloud that now complaining has started to become one of our norms. This is not a normal situation, folks. It is quite a dangerous situation. These dark clouds will bring us a great disaster as a society.

We need to get rid of situations that negatively affect us, such as complaints, starting with ourselves as soon as possible. Complaining is the method of people who cannot produce any solution to problems. You cannot see complaints in the language of a person who tries to change something in himself or in society, even if it is small. Because he has no time to complain. Since he is in a state of constant development, his helpless and helpless words cannot be put into his tongue.

Social disasters, Societies that are not satisfied with their situation and forget to be grateful, suffer disaster so that they remember to look at their old self and be grateful. So that he can overcome the dark clouds above him and see the sun. We can call it a blessing in a way, but this method hurts us a lot, social disasters are a very difficult process. However, now we have to overcome these dark clouds with small steps on our own.

As a society, we are going through a difficult time. Unfortunately, we have sunk into negligence. We can't see, friends, we can't see. We cannot see the sun of truth through the dark clouds above us. In response to these words of mine, you can rightly say to me; but there is unemployment, but there is an economic crisis, but how can I not complain? Yes there is. But everyone is responsible for himself.

What did we produce for the solution? What did we change? We need to ask ourselves some questions. Not to me from person A or person B. If there is a problem and if I cannot change it, the responsibility belongs to the person who created the problem. Someone else's sin is not my responsibility, and I'm not a moral keeper.

I also noticed this. Usually people who talk too much complain. This is the language of those who do not put dust on their own ideas, those who think they are right in everything, and those who have a claim. Why? Because it's called arrogance. Since he sees his own thoughts as absolute truth, he immediately starts to complain when he encounters different thoughts. What a pity… Oh wow, what a pity for them.

There is one more segment. They are quiet… very quiet. Because they see the sun behind the dark clouds, they don't need to talk. They are in direct contact with the sun. Those who cannot see the sun, on the other hand, gossip about the sun with false ideas among themselves. For those who see the sun, the word ends, the mind ends, the doubt ends. This cut is smiling. But they have a bitter smile on their face. “Oh,” he says, “ah.

“Oh my beautiful society…”

I am one of those who try to see the sun and be close to those who see the sun. I am a strange person looking for a solution to get rid of this negative state around me. I'm trying something on my own to get away from these dark clouds.

I try to stay away from social media and news, but the mostimportant thing is to stay silent in front of people who talk a lot, complain a lot, and take a lot of pretensions, and if possible take 1 step, 2 steps, 3 steps backwards slowly.

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Written by
2 years ago


I couldn't help but chuckle when I got to the end where you wrote take one step, two steps, three steps backwards slowly. lol! It is true though that we should complain less, appreciate life's blessings more, and where problems arise, seek solutions, seek to be part of the positive change rather than sit around and gripe about it. Complaining changes nothing, only makes things unpleasant. This was a great read to start my day!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Berhentilah mengeluh dan berhentilah berkata baik kepada orang lain, karena sebaik apapun perilaku kita terhadap orang lain, jika orang lain tidak menyukai kita, kita akan tetap dipandang buruk dimata mereka.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I actually think we should try and stay away from people that complain. And if we can't, we should let them know that complaining won't solve anything. We can also try to help and reach out to people in need.

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2 years ago