Instead of grumbling about the past, we should learn from the past.

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2 years ago

Regret is a combination of multiple emotions: Anger, sadness and shame... Sometimes even envy and jealousy... Although it may seem like a retrospective emotion, it also plays a role in shaping our future.

We all experience the feeling of regret in negative situations or troubles from time to time. We regret our actions, we regret our choices, we regret our experiences.

From time to time, instead of blaming ourselves with this concept of regret, we throw the responsibility of our experiences to external factors with expressions such as I am unlucky, I am unfortunate, it always happens to me.

That is, we often live by focusing on the past. We use the past tenses too much, like that which is constantly stuck in the past, had been, had done, had been, was, was like that.

Human life consists of 3 main phases. These are past – present – ​​future concepts. None of us can change our past, that's for sure. But is it possible to be constantly stuck in the past, to regret what we have done and experienced, to be stuck with the remnants of the past, actually a phenomenon that takes us to the bottom even further?

What you have lived, what you have done... After all, it is in the past... Even as you read this article, the moment of writing this article is in the past. You can never go back to that moment again, you cannot change that moment, you cannot make any changes about that moment. Because he has passed. The emotions or lives we live now are actually a result of our past choices or actions. I'm not talking about forgetting the past, we can't forget our past. But we can't get stuck in the past.

The constant feeling of regret is a result of being tied to the past with thick ropes and leads to emotional depression and loss of self-worth. For this reason, we have to reshape the concept of regret by changing our perspective on the past.

Instead of cursing and grumbling about the past, we should learn from the past. In other words, we should replace the concept of regret with learning. First of all, we should be conscious of accepting the negativities we are experiencing now and we should know that we have to take action now to change the future. I say it again; I'm not talking about forgetting the past. I am saying that what we are experiencing now is our past choices and that we should not regret these choices but learn from them.

Because regret seems like betrayal to oneself, many things in life are our own choices, our job, our spouse, having a child, doing sports, gaining weight, driving... our own choices. Why should we regret our own choices? But let's learn. Let's learn lessons for the future of our lives.

When we live with the past and regret, there is something very important that we overlook and miss. Right now... Yeah, we're actually missing the moment

Not the regrets we have experienced from the past, but the lessons we have received should guide us. We have to make plans now to change the future. Because life is based on the concept of “you reap what you sow”. In order to reap crops in the future, it is necessary to sow now and grow correctly. It does not give us anything to regret that we did not get crops in the past years. But right now, we can learn from the fact that our crops are not what we want, and we can correct our mistakes in the past.

Every end is the beginning of a new one. For this reason, what happened, what happened, is in the past. Tomorrow is a new day and life will begin anew with each passing moment. Therefore, blindly clinging to the feeling of regret does not take us forward, it causes us to stay where we are and even to get stuck in the nets of the past. While sailing to innovations, a new route should be drawn based on past experiences.

Especially regretting the choices both in professional and emotional environments leads us to negativity and pessimism. If you regret your job choice, you will not be successful in your job. Your choice. You have no right to regret your relationships. If our relationships are our own choices, we cannot regret it. You can't regret the food you eat, if you choose the food you eat. You can't regret that traffic is locked on a road you take, because you choose to enter that road.

Maybe you will say, do we choose everything? Of course not, but in order to make our lives happier and more peaceful, we should make our own choices in our sphere of influence by knowing ourselves better, analyzing ourselves better. We human beings have the freedom to choose their behavior with our free will, conscience, self-consciousness and analytical thinking ability. We should individually be our own leader and shape our lives without regretting our choices.

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Written by
2 years ago


We should appreciate that we have past experiences that lead us to learning and realizing our mistakes. What we need to do is to make better choices and apply what we learn

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think one of the most important things in life is to learn from our mistakes and what we do.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance the next time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm getting stronger after every heartbreak. In fact, all people should be like this because this life does not treat the weak well, in fact, people do not treat well, unfortunately.

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2 years ago