Have you ever seen someone happy for a lifetime with the feeling of a moment?

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2 years ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Story, Writing, read.cash, ...

Those tin piggy banks we used to save our money in when we were kids.

It was beautiful, wasn't it, those beautiful days that we counted with our little hands when they were filled to the brim.

What about the memories, memories, beauties that we wanted to save, were we able to save these feelings in a piggy bank?

If it has a piggy bank, have you ever thought about what time, for example, one with wings, looks like it will fly away at any moment but stays where it stops, what it collects? I thought.

This cruel piggy bank swallows bad moments with its big mouth. He collects them as if they are needed. While good moments and happiness are spent like crazy and cannot be kept, bad moments accumulate for a long time with great arrogance and determination.

Our sorrows are piling up, adding our troubles to it. And our fears never last a day; not going anywhere without many days. Our resentments continue to increase the pressure on our hearts, and even if our anger is like a fire and quickly extinguishes, it is always ready to ignite later.

Our anxieties, anxieties, regrets, and regrets look at us through a giant mirror over time. They increase as they decrease, and they seem to accumulate in our hearts with a blessing that we cannot see with our eyes. Unfortunately they are.

Have you ever wanted to collect the scent of your loved one inside you, take a big sigh of relief and imprison you for a few hours? It just doesn't work… After a few seconds, you realize that it's moving away from you. How simple it is. We can't even keep a scent in our piggy bank.

When we want to spend a day, when we pour out what we have saved and to see a benefit, we do not come across such a happy moment as we will eat it out of pocket when we do not have it. Few of us say how happy I was, how much fun I had, how happy I was, how happy I was, how lucky I was, and those who say, unfortunately, are still in the 'past tense'. Good moments don't accumulate because they don't stay until tomorrow. Even the beauties of yesterday are mentioned with sadness today because they are not available and spent, as soon as they are experienced. Like the suggestive details and re-read lines of inverted sentences, happy moments can only be passed over once again, knowing that they have passed and sensing that they do not accumulate, but are quickly wasted.

However, are our unhappy moments and bad memories coming out of that cruel piggy bank of time? How they accumulate with their endless blessings, their feelings that spread from today to tomorrow, and their shedding consisting of heartburn. The pains, troubles and unpleasantness of the past do not remain in the past, they are carried and accumulated in the future. You get sad thinking about how sad you were yesterday, today you are at its best or your childhood is today with all its unhappiness. You don't rejoice because you were happy yesterday, you'll be disappointed today, but because you don't have that moment today. He couldn't accumulate them in time, you'll notice. Those moments were wasted, inevitably, you know.

Have you ever seen someone happy for a lifetime with the feeling of a moment? However, the one who is unhappy for life with the feeling of a moment is a thousand and one money.

While you can't hold a scent, even the most familiar smell, it cannot accumulate as many minutes as you want under your nose, even for the hours you do not see it when you are in your loved one's life. And thousands of memories, beautiful and beautiful as well as distant, rushing to hurt you. Beautiful moments do not accumulate to make you happy. It does not work.

What accumulates in the piggy bank of time is always bitter, cruel and black.

Beautiful moments, no matter how much we want, do not accumulate and do not stay for a moment. One subtle reproach is to the beautiful memories that pass and fade like a relative whose face we find it difficult to remember, and a subtle reproach to the bitter piggy bank of time.

Live the beautiful moments, enjoy them to the last bit. Live so that there are no 'wish's behind you. Remember, there is no tomorrow, there is no happiness, there are happy moments!

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Story, Writing, read.cash, ...


It's still a matter of choice what moments and memories we would love to collect

$ 0.00
2 years ago

People's perspectives are very different. like yours :)

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2 years ago