Greeting is the Beginning of a Communication and Relationship.

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2 years ago

When we see someone you know, we greet you immediately. We shake hands. When he sees a person with whom we are closer, this greeting becomes more sincere. Sometimes we nod to greet a person we do not know, just because we are in the same environment.

Do you think we know the meaning and importance of greeting? I do not think so. Because today, those who live in two flats next to each other in huge apartments, meet anywhere, and even if they have to establish a relationship, they no longer greet. In fact, unfortunately, people do not greet each other for unfounded reasons such as being superior to the other in terms of material or education, sometimes in terms of country or race, being eastern or western in their own opinion.

However, if it were the other way around, would it be easier to fight against this system, which is against humanity and nature?

Well, let's imagine for a short time that no one greets each other; Let's remove gestures and facial expressions such as smile, waving, bowing, winking, as well as words such as hello, good morning, good evening, good night, and asking for health.

What would it be like? There would be no coldness, opposite polarization and no sociability among people. Yes, this is a development and culture issue.

It is either learned and used in childhood, or a person thinks, realizes this, forces himself and then makes it a spontaneous behavior. This process is actually one of the stages of evolution towards "Human".

The tradition of greeting is a tradition that has continued as a common behavior in all societies, without exception, since the creation of humanity. It is known that in ancient times, when two people met, they would shake hands with their right hands to show that they were not armed and would not use it against each other even if they were armed, and they would wave their hands and stay in this position for a long time to be sure. And, probably in later ages, kissing on the cheek was added to the handshake at least once, at most three times. I don't find shaking hands and kissing healthy. Hands are one of the most polluted areas. The person next to you sneezes without a tissue, cleans his hands by rubbing them together, then extends them to shake hands. It's disrespectful if you don't. And if the other party gave a wet kiss while kissing, smack your cheek! It would be a shame if you wiped it at that time, but if you feel a wetness on your cheek, it is a strange situation. Similar things have happened to us.

Although we greet as in ancient times, the meaning of greeting is actually much deeper and it should be healthy.

The way of greeting is not just a word of encounter, it is basically based on the logic of glorifying the person and valuing him, but also includes thoughts and good wishes about the life and work done.

greeting; It means warmth, brotherhood, friendship, fellowship, respect, safety, peace, health, comfort, you can count on me, good results, salvation, well-being, love, peace. Physical greeting is the expression of all these concepts. Whatever the purpose of the person's soul is, physically his body also adapts to it. So you don't think of doing harm to a person you greet.

The greeting is like a contract between people in terms of trust, it is the beginning of a communication and relationship. In greeting, it brings aesthetics in harmony along with mutual recognition and recognition.

A person who is greeted should respond with a better or at least the same greeting. To return the greeting with a better one is the expression of being humble and tolerant.

Greetings are first and foremost an exchange of emotions.

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Written by
2 years ago


I greet you very cordially to welcome you... I hope to continue reading interesting topics like this one.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I greet you too and I care about you as I mentioned in my article :) Thank you for caring and commenting on me.

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2 years ago