My Journey on Blogging

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Hello friends,

So I am still pretty much what you call an amateur to the world of blogging. My Blogging experience didn't start here on as many other users have been mention so far on this platform.

I started out by writing articles on Initially the platform was something like but it was mostly a Nigerian based platform. It was different from because you had to pay to join the platform. The payment was also fixed like you get N200 (Naira) for each article that gets approved by the admins of the platform. The payout back then was once per month and the minimum withdrawal was N10,000(Naira). They also had an affiliate program which also boost your earning but it wasn't really easy to get people to pay to write articles, instead they would prefare to get their own blogs and write their own articles while having full ownership of their contents. That's a screenshot of the website below.

So after about three months of writing for I was introduced to a new platform called which was also a Nigerian based platform. The fee to join the platform back then was about N1200(Naira) which wasn't too high, so I decided to let go off and join

On my first month of joining I really enjoyed the workflow of the platform because it was much easier to write your articles and edit them as you best see fit and writers had a lot of tools at their disposal. Then another good factor of the platform was the fact that they paid every Sunday of the week and the minimum withdrawal was just N2000(Naira) as a pose to that of

So after about 3 months writing on the platform, I began to gradually notice how things where falling out of place. The more we grew in numbers the more difficult it was to manage the platform because a lot of unruly activities started taking place like spamming, plagiarism, team work by users just for the purpose of earning and all that. So it didn't take long before the platform just stopped working probably due to insufficient funds. I just went online on a Sunday morning to see if i could withdraw my funds for that week but unfortunately the website was down and stayed down up till date. That's how I lost some of my money that was still on the platform. You can see the website domain is still up for sale below.

So after that I became really tired of online platforms that pay you for writing articles and decided not to write for such platforms anymore. I became a ghostwriter, it seemed to pay more back then because a lot of people wanted contents written for them but they don't want to credit someone else for it, they wanted it to seem like they wrote it and are willing to pay for it. So I wrote for them without caring about how they make use of that content but as time began to pass that niche gradually died off and people where more interested in social media marketers to promote and write their contents for them.

So I then thought it would be a great Idea to have my own blog too and own my own contents rather than writing for others and earning a reward that doesn't have much value to it in the end.

I started making research on how to start up my own blog and all, and the price was not all that friendly to begin with. It was much more than I could afford as a student in Nigeria who had to work hard to make daily living and provide for yourself. The role of your parents is to pay your school fee and some rather large bills the others are left for you to figure out. So spending so much on a blog that I had no idea if it would succeed or not in the next year was not really an option. So I started researching on how to build my own blog and that's when I came in contact with programming.

After a while I began to develop an affinity for programming. The whole idea behind it was so compelling that I felt I had seen something I loved as much as sharing my opinions and idea through writing.

Writing is about adding value to people's life through your contents with the hope that when they read your content they get inspired or motivated to take a bold step that might change their lives for the better. Then again programming isn't really much so different from that, in programming you solve problems, not just problems but real life problems of humans. Your innovation as a programmer could also help change lives and open peoples mind to greater possibilities so they can see life from a different dimension.

So after discovering the possibilities of programming I began to gradually drift away from the world of blogging or writing for others in general but that gate was reopened when I came in contact with Initially it took me three days before I finally accepted to join after a friend of mine told me about it. I went through every inch of the website trying to make sure I figure out any hidden agenda or possibility of shorting down after a period of time but I sincerely couldn't find any, instead I saw more and more reasons to join the platform and also share my Ideas. The part that really caught my attention was when I saw how they communicated with the users of their platform giving them feedback on all their questions to help them gain more clarity. That action alone totally convince me that they were completely on a whole new level because other platforms out there were not so easily structured were by you can converse with the admins of the platform and they get back to you in time and for that I really give a big thumbs up to the @Read.Cash team. You can see their interactions with users below:

So I finally joined in on the platform, getting to the 'write' page was pretty easy because by now I was already familiar with the website structure from my research. So I clicked on the 'write' link and it redirected me to the 'write' page where I was to begin writing my article. I was a bit excited because it's been a long while since I set my mind to actually write an article without already knowing where to begin. I couldn't tell if I was too excited or just confused but all I know is I just went blank while my hands where on my keyboard thinking of which letter to punch first.

After sometime I couldn't come up with anything much so I cleared my write up and just went for a normal introductory right up like I saw many others do on this platform. So I just wrote a bit about myself, my likes and all and within minutes I was done. I published it and within seconds it was live.

So that my first post was upvoted on this platform within hours of which I didn't expect. You can see my first upvote on this platform below:

So I proceeded to try out the withdrawal process and it was flawless, my funds arrived in my wallet almost instantly and that was when it became so clear that truly was the best so far I have encountered. Ever since then, I have put in my best to make sure my articles are valuable and worth reading piece by piece but i still consider my self an amateur compaired to professional writers.

$ 0.00


এই চাকরি করে আমি অনেক কষ্ট পাইছি কেউ আমাকে লাইক দেয় না তোমার কাছে নাইই অক্টোবর থেকে দূরে রাখতে পারি ওকে তাহলে একটা আর কিছু দিন আগে গেছিলাম ঐ দিন যে দিন ফেসবুকে গ্রুপ ফোরের চুরি যাওয়াল্যাপটপ ফিরে

$ 0.00
4 years ago

sorry my friend but I couldn't read this because of the language you made use of here... I couldn't translate as well

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow! You have had many platforms where you indulge your writing career. I almost believe that you're a pro. I don't think you're an amatuer. Amazing!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

nah I can't uphold such a title so young in my writing career besides I am self taught and I have no formal certification...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Being a writee doesn't need to have formal certification. It only needs passion and determination. If you have that then you'll be a writer for all time.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

well in other places it might not matter but in my country now it is gaining more trends to always have a certificate of what yo do

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I see. It's a trend but not always be the case. So do not worry about it. Stay calm and be inspired in writing.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

sure I would do my best to keep improving on myself and stay on the right track....

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Good job! That's the best thing that you have to do. Keep moving forward and be the best. I'll support and cheer you here.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow! What an inspiring journey. I, myself has just started blogging and I have not yet fully launched my website. Still working on it. It's a long way to go.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

That's good to hear, I am already considering to start my own blog soon, has inspire me more so far

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow katulad mo andami ko din sinalihan na platform pero lagi akong na sscam buti na nga lang at natagpuan ko ito si rearcash kahit mababa ang kitain dito atleast naman legit diba? Kesa naman sa malaki angkitaan scam naman pala . Dito na nga naman ako kay read.caah. nakakatuwa lang kase may mga ganto pa rin palang platform nowadays

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you my friend for your feedback but I couldn't read the language used here... but I guess you are talking about how many websites are scam these days, well that's true, and their numbers keeps on increasing with each passing day

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow. This is indeed a journey to tell. The thing is that there must be a starting point for everything. No one just jumps into something and go wild. I love the way you began, its encouraging. Your journey shows that you really love writing, or I'll say its in your blood to write, meaning you're a creative person. Nice work. Success awaits you. Your journey hasn't ended

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you for your feedback and support, I really appreciate it. Yeah I guess it really in my blood because I find myself always writing down every aspect of my life from daily activities to personal experience

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Journey is very interesting for people. My journey on blogging is very memorable. I think you write again.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you for your feedback... I really appreciate it... I would also love to hear about your own blogging journey

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This is a really nice experience to share with people like us who are still new to the writing world. I have knowledge In programming it nice to have you here😁

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you for the feedback... yes I wanted to share my experience in blogging so everyone can see

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Your journey so far has led you here. Its a really nice experience. No wonder your articles are good. Keep it up

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks for the feedback I really appreciate. I Just try to do my best

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow really If opera news continues with their shit I will quite

$ 0.00
4 years ago

yeah I heard about opera news too but most of those big brand always either have too many requirement or too low payments and yet they want standard write ups

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You are welcome again on You will enjoy your endeavors here with good rewards. Thanks.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you I am glad to be here.... my experience here so far has been thrilling and reassuring that we would definitely succeed

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hi, how do you put more than one picture in your article?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

hello, when you want to add a pictures just tap on the enter key and you would see a tool tip popup by the cursor then choose the one with and Image icon.... and it should redirect you to where you can import your picture...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Is it the enter in the keyboards on phones and computers? Because I only use my phone to post my blogs. Thank you!,

$ 0.00
4 years ago

you can use any of them, the result is the same... so since you said you use your phone just tap the enter and you would see the popup by the cursor

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow nice inspirational article. It motivates many of us to start own blogs. Keep sharing and good luck

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you for the feedback I really appreciate... starting a blog isn't really difficult once you have the finance to get it setup

$ 0.00
4 years ago

এতো প্রশ্ন ও করা যাবে না কিন্তু আম্ম্ ও দেখছিই অনেকেই অনেক সেলিব্রিটি র িকশাওয়ালা তারিখথেকেতারিখ তারিখ থেকে দূরেসরে হাতাঈ সেপ্টেম্বর মাসের জন্য স্থগিত করেছেন এটার জন্য হয়ছে যানেন তারিখ থেকে দূরে রাখতে পারি ওকে তাহলে একটা

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hello my friend sorry but I don't understand the language you made use of here, i would see if I can translate it

$ 0.00
4 years ago

So I looked this up and it didn't for any reason match or align with my article above... please make only relevant comments

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you for sharing your experience... Your writing skill is too good. Keep it up. is an amazing platform and keep sharing with us your beautiful thoughts by writing articles...

$ 0.00
User's avatar Apu
4 years ago

wow! Thanks a lot for the compliment, feedback and support. I really appreciate it. I would keeo trying my best to add more value to the community.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You are highly welcomed. Have a nice day and keep it up!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

That's a very great and wonderful experience you have with you. I believe the whole essence is about search to earn passive income andhow to develop your talents. Keep it up sir and God bless you more. Have a nice day my brother

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I would keep on doing my best to add value to the great platform. Thank you very much for the support, I really appreciate the support

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Every journey has enjoyable...thank for sharing your experience with us in this platform

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you very much for the feedback, truly there are ups and downs in any and every journey one embarks on

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You have a very nice experience and that experience could be an advise and motivation to some of as who are new in this.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I thought it would be nice to share a part of my blogging experience with new users on this platform so they know not to quite so easily.

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4 years ago