Do not limit yourself.

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It is the 21st century, a period of social, political and advanced technical development as regards civilization and acculturation. The global village and the global market as we know it is interconnected in such a way that an individual can become acquainted with information, precepts, principles and standard patterns of living not inclusive in his own environment.

It is the information age, hence an individual in Nigeria can become directly proportional to any other individual in other parts of the world. This direct proportion is not necessarily in terms of complexion, race, language or tribe but in terms of a constant called information.

Traveling into globalization is beyond boarding a plane and visiting several parts of the modern world - which is exciting and absolutely necessary - but it is about becoming acquainted with cultures, methodologies and technical development beyond the scope of one's national environment.

This can happen even without boarding planes and it is a vital component of success for every individual climbing the ladder of global impact, relevance and influence.

Just engage these 3 simple hacks:

  1. Become a Versatile Reader: It is good and necessary to read your environment but it is better to read beyond the scope of your environment. Traveling into globalization will to a large extent require reading beyond what's necessary.

  • Read international books

  • Read amazing biographies beyond your national scope

  • Read the news

Read, read, read!

Global impact will require global information and global leadership will require global readership to a large extent. Become a global student!

  1. Build quality social relationships beyond your environment and/or nationality: Traveling into globalization will require having a social network that gives you the ability and opportunity to rub minds with internationals at several levels. It must not necessarily be direct but it is absolutely noteworthy if it is also a direct social relationship.

    Create global relationships!

  1. Watch out for quality opportunities to glean value from people that have eaten and exhibited global food and impact respectively: It may be by attending seminars, trainings, webinars or through mentorship and/or coaching.

In one way or the other, be willing and prepared to pay the requisite price for global relevance, otherwise you will either remain a local champion or a champion only in your national environment.

Let us therefore be willing!

Do not limit yourself by thinking only within the frame of your national environment. I don't know about you but I desire to move from local, state and federal to global and international.

I hope you learnt a thing or two and I hope you are willing to move beyond. Thank you for reading! Please consider leaving a like.

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Another exciting piece from you..sometimes I wish to be in your head to understand you more.. However, down to your post, technology is now being taken otherwise. I feel parents should do a thorough work on their children while adults should maintain self control.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

we can't afford to keep remaining in one place for ever... we must adapt, grow, explorer, learn new things and that can only be done through aquanting yourself with the right activities.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Right activities, sometimes we don't even know which is the right activity. Surfing the net used to be the right thing until different shady schemes erupted. Reading on a mobile device is supposed to aid reading, until you get a notification from WhatsApp..

$ 0.00
4 years ago

lol... that's true.... the line between right and wrong is getting thinner by the day. mos of these things happen when people refuse to educate themselves. They keep remaining localized instead of growing and development themselves to be internationally minded, they prefare to be local champions.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

The 21st century illiterate is not who can't read and write, it is one who can't learn, unlearn and relearn

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4 years ago

It is quite wrong to limit one's self, because there is actually no limits to what you can do and achieve in life. Even the frame of you environment is not armed enough to limit any one. I love your post... It is inspirational

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4 years ago

yeah... limiting yourself is one of the most harmful thing anyone can do to themselves. It's brings about unfufilled dreams and regret

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4 years ago

Yeah! Do not limit yourself because the day that you limit yourself is the day when you allow failure to dominate over you.

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4 years ago

yes very true, I just find myself always writing about this topic of limiting yourself recently. I feel a lot of people especially the upcoming generation are being limited in so many ways and most times they can't help it because they are not in control of their life at that point

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I agree with you in being limitless. We can do more and be more productive in so many ways, the only thing you do is to be prepared and willingness to learn new things is the key.

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4 years ago

You have really evolved to a good writer. This is lightyears from your first post here, and it was not long ago. But even more important, you have clear and structured thinking so you can express your ideas in a way so that most people understand them direct. That is not common, and it is a very valuable ability. As for what you say in this article, you are absolutely right. Limits exist only in our minds, it is just a matter of the structure of our thinking. If you are just willing to expand your mind and act accordingly, you can become practically limitless. But that doesn't come automatically, it requires work and sometimes it can be hard work. But it is worth it.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks a lot for the compliment sir, I only made it thus far by your guidance and I still have a lot to learn. well stated sir, limits truly only exists in our thought. Most times, humans are just too comfortable in their world and they want things to stay the same for as long as they want. Therefore they accept ignorance and refuse to educate themselves globally, they feel it's better being a local champion which obviously is not ideal. Self development is required for a better world.

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4 years ago

Most people are afraid of the unfamiliar. They find all sorts of excuses to avoid a step into something unfamiliar and unknown They value personal comfort more than expansion of the mind. Sad but true.

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4 years ago

You know, our environment can be a very food factor of how we think. Our environment affects our thinking, that's why so many people are myopic in nature. When an opportunity is presented to them, they can't recognise it because they haven't grown their mindset to that level.

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4 years ago

well said, their mentally is still low and they haven't made any efforts to upgrade or develop it... which in turn make them lose many of the opportunities in their lives.

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4 years ago

I'm grateful to you. "Read amazing biographies beyond your national scope" An excellent advice <3

$ 0.00
4 years ago

yes, a good advice it is indeed because it encourages you to read global and international contents and not just local ones.

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4 years ago

Self limitations has been the reason for most people's progress being stagnated. Different reasons could be the cause. Your article has given guidelines on how to counter limitation. Thanks for sharing.

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4 years ago

Yes that's true, most people complain of not being successful in life but in real terms it is as a result of their limited way of reasoning.

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4 years ago

My dad always tell me not to focus on just one particular thing. As a youth try learning a lot of things. It will help you in future. Don't limit yourself

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4 years ago

your Dad is truly a wise man. When you stick too only one thing or one way or one pattern you risk knowing what's possible and what's better because you are not improving.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thansk for very interesting article. I really believe that your message would help the youth to thinks best for the future.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks for your feedback, I do think it would too and that's why I have too share it so they know what path they need to tread so as to better their future.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks for ur nice article keep t up

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you more for taking your time to read this, I really appreciate it a lot. Also thanks for the support

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4 years ago

Thanks for the great service ,, it's a great post , we will have knowledge of love , we don't have that's type of information about it but it helps us thanks for this good post

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4 years ago

Thank you for the feedback, I really appreciate it. We keep limit ourselves often times. Information is truly power and the more of it you have the more powerful you become.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This article is motivating and inspiring. It is suicidal to limit the height to which someone can reach in life.

$ 0.00
4 years ago