We keep Growing our community BCH BRAZIL Reaches 2 Months

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We keep Growing our community BCH BRAZIL Reaches 2 Months old.

Yeah, I was just checking a few posts on our BCH BRazil group and well the things are going pretty good, we have reached 54 Members on the groups, Some people will that is no much but for me is already a nice achievement, we didn't spend anything in ads or something like that, we got only real members, 54 Organic people interested in BCH.

(the number could be more, more some people spamming was kicked ou from the group.

In the past month, we had already 35 members, this means that our group had a 70% growth in the last month, amazing.

we keep growing and inviting people interested in BCH.

To help us, share this article, comment, help us to reach more people into our cause.

BCH to the moon.

You can join the BitcoinCash Brazil Group:


And we are on Telegram too:


$ 0.01
$ 0.01 from @Omar
Sponsors of phabulu
