We keep Growing our community BCH BRAZIL

4 422

Hello It's already been a few weeks since I posted the last Report about the BitcoinCash Brazil iniciative:

Well, I'm doing a lot of online work and I didn't have time to post an updated here, I'll do it soon and will start to make some moves to bring more people into our group.

If you want to help, just share it, comment, tip some BCH.

Everything will help.

Since I've started it I've made a few good things, helped on the Electrons translation, and translated the SLP tokens explorer too.

This was a really good work to help spread the word too:


BCH to the moon.

You can join the BitcoinCash Brazil Group:


And we are on Telegram too:


$ 2.77
$ 2.26 from Anonymous user(s)
$ 0.50 from @Cain
$ 0.01 from @Omar
Sponsors of phabulu


Olá, tudo bem? Criei a comunidade Brasil aqui no Read.Cash e convidei vc como moderador: https://read.cash/c/brasil-b00c Valeu! Saúde, sucesso e boa sorte mais uma vez!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Beleza, valeu

$ 0.00
4 years ago

It good to keep a seleperat community like this. It will help them grow responsibly. We nee d suvh good steps

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you all for the tups, those tips will be used somehow to grow the community here :)

$ 0.00
4 years ago